Hell is where I belong

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When you were mine
Every time I'd look at you
I would trace your features
Memorize every part of your face
How your eyes twinkled when you laughed
Your smile that I fell in love with
Your dimples that melted my heart
You never understood why I studied you
Why I memorized every part of you
It was because I knew one day I'd lose you
I knew one day I'd wake up and you would no longer be mine
Because my dear
A beautiful soul like yours
Could never be completely mine
I am a monster
The devil in disguise
And you are an angel
The purist of them all
And an angel can never love the devil enough
To bring it out of darkness
I lost you
And with you I lost my light
I lost my heaven
My only salvation
So my dear
I traced every part of you
Because I wanted to hold on to you
To the memory of you
For all of eternity
Even though I deserved none of you
I clung onto heaven
When I knew I deserved hell

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