Repeating chapter

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Funny how I got out of a cycle
That killed every part of me
I got out of it
Barely standing
And I fought
For years
To become better
To strengthen myself
To go from broken to healed
And I managed to do that
I crossed the finish line
Only to meet you
And for you to break me all over again
To throw me into that cycle all over again
How am I supposed to function now
How am I supposed to live
When I'm exactly back to where I started
It makes me think
Is it worth it
To become strong again
And if I do it all over again
Is another version of your demonic self
Going to break me again
Am I meant to be broken in this life
Or am I meant to fight for the three Ms
My sanity
My health
And to be frank
I don't think I want to go through it again
I don't have the energy
Nor the motivation
Thank you 2.0 for breaking me
For shattering me
When I believed you'd be the last one to harm me
But I should've seen it coming
I should've anticipated it
The fact that you would be the one
To destroy me
Inside out
Inside out baby
I'll love you forever
Thanks for breaking me
And this time
This "man"
Broke my mentality
And my confidence
You ruined the only thing
That made me, me
And now thanks to you
I have nothing
Because I don't even have myself

Last chapter, thank you to whomever made it this far. Thank you to my day one supporters. Thank you all. This has been my journey, and I think I'm going to end it here.

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