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I'm drowning
My lungs fill with water
I can't breathe
I struggle to get to the surface
I fight to breathe
I cry and scream
It starts hurting
A pain that I've never felt before:
The struggle for survival
I fought harder
Tried to reach the surface
But suddenly I stopped
'Is it worth it' I ask myself
Struggling for survival
While I know I don't deserve to live
Is it worth it
To fight for my life
But then end up living an empty life
A life without a purpose
A life where I'm hated for being me
Is it worth it
To fight for a life that doesn't want me
So I stop fighting
I drown willingly
I fill my own lungs with water
And smile
I've never been content
But then I realize
Why would I end my life
While the bullies are out there living theirs
It's not fair
They make me hate my life
While they love theirs
It's not fair
I want to end my life
While they wish for eternity
Why should I give up mine
An innocent life
That has never seen happiness
And let the monsters live happily
So I fight with all I've got
I struggle harder
And I smile when I reach the surface
I will not give up
I will not let the monsters win
This is my fight
And I will win it
I deserve to live
I deserve fun
I deserve happiness
So I'll fight
And fight
Every day of my life

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