Born to lead

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Everyone is born a leader
It's within us to lead
Some of us build on that desire
They go after it
And never give up
They end up building "armies"
Leading others to greatness
And the rest
Allow others to control them
They become the sheep
Following orders made by others
Because after all that's what a job is isn't it
Along the way
They forgot that they have the same powers
The same strength
To lead
Along the way
Being "normal" got to them
Society's standards controlled them
They entered what I call
"The dreamless land" for adults only
Working a mediocre job
Settling for what they hadn't dreamt
Settling for an okay
Instead of the best
They had a dream once
But the word " impossible" got to them
They allowed others to tell them they can't do it
They let society decide
And along the way
They forgot they had a dream
Just like they forgot they were made to lead
Not follow

It's your loss if you let society control you
Do what you were made to do

Lead your life

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