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The liquid touched my lips
The same lips you once kissed
The same liquid I swore to never taste
But you don't understand
Alcohol was the only thing
To make me forget about you
To ease the pain
Even for merely a second
I just want to forget
How happy I was with you
How good it felt to be yours
And you mine
So I tasted my forbidden liquid
One sip is all I needed
But I couldn't stop
I wanted to forget
How your lips curled perfectly
How your eyes were the prettiest thing I've ever seen
I wanted to forget it all
Alcohol made me forget
Even for a second
The pain I was in
The hell I lived in
I know I deserve to burn in Hell
But losing you hurts more than hell
I'd rather burn alive
Than see you happy with another
I turned to the only thing that could make me forget
The forbidden liquor
I deserve to be burned in hell
But seeing you with another
Feels like I'm already where I belong:
Because baby
I'm hellbound

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