Death party

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The music was loud
The place was crowded
People too drunk to realize what they were doing
You came behind me
Held my back so close to your front
Your grip was too strong
I tried to leave
But you pulled me back
"Help me" I yelled out
But the music was too loud
It felt like I screamed into a black hole
I wasn't heard
And why wasn't I surprised
Happens every time
I open my mouth
I tried to get to my friends
But you pulled me away
Bent me
Forced yourself on me
"Stop!" I screamed
I fidgeted in my spot
Kept moving around to get you off of me
And that's when I hit my head way too strong on the concrete wall
I blacked out
Couldn't see
And that's when you finally did what you wanted to do
Why is it
That guys don't understand a no is a no
They think we're playing hard to get
But our no is a no
Get that in your stupid head

A bit longer that the rest of my poems

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