You pain me

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I saw you once
A while after you left
A while after I finally moved on
Yet when I saw you
You pulled me back to the start
Back to all the hurting
The pain
The suffering
It hurts ten times more
Than it did before
You moved on
But silly me
You were the one that left me
Even though you said you'd grow old with me
Everywhere I go
There's memories of us
How could you forget them all?
It hurts to see it all over again
The deja vus
The places we visited
The pictures left behind
The memories
How vivid they are in my brain
I drink myself to sleep
Because otherwise I would get none
I drink myself to sleep
Because otherwise I'll be drowning
Drowning from all the memories
From all the pain
The suffering
Why does it hurt this much
Why does it pain me
To remember you

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