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The people close to us hurt us the most
Their pain drives us insane
The hurt they inflict kills us slowly
Sometimes we're not sure
Whether them hurting or hurting us
Pains us the most
But what hurts most
Is when family is behind our pain
Behind our hate for ourselves
Because blood is supposed to protect blood
Not spill the blood over the ground
And walk over it like it was nothing
Family is supposed to be our shelter
Our sanctuary from the world
What happens when that sanctuary
Our safe haven
Becomes our hell
Our punishment
Our pain
What happens then?
Who do we run to?
If family causes us pain
Then how are we supposed to look at this world?
How are we supposed to trust?
Let me tell you something
Blood causes the most pain
Because they're supposed to be
Our shelter
Our sanctuary
Our safe haven
Not our hell
So don't blame us
When we turn to blades
To cut our skins open
And spill the blood
That caused us the most pain

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