"i most definitely will"  he was enthusiastic.

I rushed in even more frustrated than i was a few minutes ago with Abdulmaleek, i opened the door to our room and started to tap my feet on the floor "ooooooooooooooooooo" i began to whine.

Lala was on the bed staring up at me "Trouble in paradise?" she asked.

"worse, cramps. That and i asked him if he loved her and he couldn't answer"  i complained

"and assuming he said yes, would that have made you happy?" again she asked switching her position.

"what, I'mma kill him"  i replied irritatingly. Ok this pain is real, the lower part of my abdomen was seriously clamping, I'm not sure who i want to kill first,  my unborn babies or their possible father. 

She used her tumb and index finger to support her chin, and she pushed her mouth "hmm, but if he had said no? Would that have satisfied you"

"what, hell he'd be lying and i already know"  i felt foolish immediately after i replied "urggh i get your point"  i added plainly. There was no hiding the satisfaction on her face, my sister enjoyed making me the fool of every conversation.

"What happened to don't ask a question if you're not sure you would be atleast 60%  comfortable with whatever the answer might be?"

I collapsed helplessly on the bed "my God this is hard"

Lala crossed over to my bed to lie beside me on her left arm facing me as i was on my right arm, putting her other arm on around my waist " you mean the cramps or the whole math circled around the reproductive system?"  we both chuckled "it's never that black and white with men Adi"

"whats not black and white? its either he loves her or he doesn't. He can't love us both at the same time"  i was bitterly complaining, it just wasn't making any sense to me.

"Actually he can, maybe not equally at the same time, but it's not as impossible as you're making it sound"

"if i can't have him all, then i don't want him at all"

Lala smiled and hugged me closer "oh, you poor thing! so you won't have a problem leaving him to her then?"

I wasn't sure i heard her right, call me slow but sometimes it takes a few seconds for words to register on my brain, but as usual her point was quite clear.  I wasn't willing to let him go for anyone, not at all.  "my God Lala you're terrible, i hate you"

"i know" she grins "and you're welcome"  she added and moved back to her bed "well if you want i could talk to him for you, maybe find out the answers to all the questions you might have? I'm good with mysterious men"

The thought of Lala flirtatiously chatting with my boyfriend was not something i was willing to allow, don't  get me wrong there's no one i trust more, i just wasn't willing to permit her to get close to anyone i was into. We do look alike after all.  "Hell na!!! I don't trust you"

Lala gasped Loudly  placing her left hand on the left side of her chest "i am hurt, okay seriously don't let it bother you, I'm sure it's nothing to be worried about, besides we all have that one ex"  she rolled her eyes.

"that's different, how do i know he doesn't run back into her arms every time he goes back to kd, maybe i should be intimate with him, keep his mind off her"

Fighting Fire With Ice (COMPLETE)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя