"So, what did you reply to Elisse?" Axel replied, holding back his chuckle.

"Huh? Yeah, ummm, I told her that you're quite close with Clark." Damien replied. "I think Elisse might be interested in you."

"I doubt it." Axel scoffed. 'Even if she is though, I'm not interested in her."

"Really? I thought you might be, considering that she got..." Damien glanced at me. "That thing you really like in someone."

What was it again?

"You mean big boobs? I really haven't noticed her having those? Does she?"

"Ummm... I guess, not that I really look at them, and I don't really have any points of comparison since I don't look at girls' chests... yeah..." Damien replied.

"You know what's curious?" I said. "That considering how much you really like big breasted girls, all of your exes lack that very quality."

"Teo... shut up..." Axel said with a sarcastic smile.

"Really? What do you mean?" Damien asked, there was an obvious interest in his expression.

"Teo, my best friend..." Axel stood up and walked to us. "Please, shut up." He added.

"Well, all of Axel's exes didn't really have big breasts, but they do have one thing in common." I said with a smirk as Axel frowned at me. I didn't know why he was so against me telling Damien those things.

"What is that?" Damien asked.


"Cat?" Damien asked.

"Yeah. Cat. His exes are all like cats. They look cute, shy, but very feisty. There is one who was borderline crazy."

"That's not nice, Teo. He was bipolar, not crazy."

"Sorry." I replied sarcastically to Axel. "Total psycho." I mouthed to Damien.

Damien smiled at me. "Wait, he?" He looked back at Axel. "It's a guy? You dated a guy before?" Damien sounded surprised.

"Yeah, is anything wrong with that?" Axel asked back.

I was actually nervous about what Damien answer would be. My future with him hinges on that very moment, and I had never been so anxious. Even when I took the UST Entrance Exam, I wasn't that nervous.

"Absolutely none." Damien replied. I felt relieved; like thorns were taken out of my body. Sure it wasn't a reason to celebrate, and it doesn't mean that he would like me the way that I like him, but still, it meant that Damien wasn't against the idea of same-sex couple.

"Then why so surprised?" Axel asked Damien.

"I just didn't think that you would date a guy, considering how much you talk about girls and boo-breasts..." Damien said after glancing at me.

"I find them physically attractive, but you can't help who you fall for." Axel reasoned out. "Teo and I grew up in an environment of love and acceptance, and our parents don't dictate who we can or cannot love."

"That's always his excuse to date around. He got scolded by our Moms many times because of his dating history." I told Damien.

"Because he dated guys?" Damien asked, sounding nervous.

"Not quite..." Axel admitted.

"Because he dated Mom's models too often." I told Damien. "Then breaks their heart."

"Hey, that's not fair." Axel contested. "I didn't break any hearts. I only dated those models, it's not like we were in a serious relationship or whatever."

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