The Mysterious Mysterio

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A/N: here we are again. Who's ready for business to pick up and get moving? I know I am, so let's do it!

2 weeks later.....

Beca, Chloe and the Cleftomaniacs just finished their latest USO performance, they were flawless as always. Now they were back inside, bouncing up and down on each other happily and celebrating their triumphant performance after having struggled so much up to this point. But they couldn't celebrate for real long, because tonight was the night where they were gonna get to see their old pal Benji for the first time in a long time, and see what he could do. Beca and Chloe charged back into their room, getting ready while still happy about the perfect show.

"Oh that was so great!" Chloe squealed as they came running in the room, still wearing their camo uniforms. "And you were amazing!"

"So were you" Beca smiled. "And you look....hotter than hell...wearing that uniform" she noted with a devilish look.

"You think so? You should look in the mirror, especially when ur dancing around on a stage" she countered with the same look that Beca had. Now they were just mere inches apart from each other with seductive eyes staring into each other. "So now that are mission is accomplished, what're ur orders captain?" she husked with a seductive grin.

Beca shot up her eyebrows excitedly before retracting back to the same devilish look from before. "You don't have any more orders" she responded and Chloe gave her a confused look. But then, was caught off guard when Beca backed her up against the wall while traping her hands above her head. "Ur being dishonorably discharged" she husked before tugging on the ginger's lower lip. "For inappropriate behavior while on duty" she added before moving her head to nibble at her earlobe.

Chloe let out a shaky breath from the brunette's actions, having always loved and gotten turned on by the petite woman's aggressive side. "Sounds like fun" she whispered as Beca continued nibbling before moving down to her neck. The ginger's breath was now getting really heavy, getting lost in the feeling of...

"Hey guys" Emily suddenly bursted in the room, causing the two to break and try to act casual as red shot up into their cheeks. "Oh um....sorry" she awkwardly stepped out and shut the door.

"Damnit legacy" Beca groaned, causing the ginger to giggle.

"It's fine, we probably wouldn't of had time for...discharging anyway" she responded.

"What about after the show?" Beca asked hopefully. "Think that'll give us enough time?" she grinned.

"Definitely" Chloe grinned too before going up and placing a kiss on the brunette's mouth. "Come on, let's get ready" she urged excitedly. "I've been looking into Benji's history in show business, it looks like he puts on quite the act" she stated as she discarded the camo uniform and went to find something nice to wear.

"Well, he was always pretty crafty when it came to magic stuff" Beca nodded with a smirk.

"Oh no, even more than just being crafty" she smiled. "A lot more at that, I think it's gonna be really cool to watch" her smile grew brighter, making Beca think it was if it could make her smile like that all night.


The singers were now at the theater where their old friend was scheduled to perform. They entered looking nicely dressed, nothing too fancy, but gorgeous as always. Beca wearing a sleeveless, dark green, buttoned up shirt and plaid skirt while Chloe wore a white, short sleeved shirt that went past the waist, blue skinney jeans and a necklace and earrings that Beca had bought her on a couple of anniversaries. But none looked better then or as stylish as Emily herself, she really fashioned up for her man. She wore a dark, glittery dress with dark eyelash and a bracelet that Benji gave her on their first anniversary.

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