Chapter Sixty-Eight Writing On The Wall

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Never Forget You- Zara Larsson & MNEK

    "Do you know why you're here?" The detective asks. His name tag says Detective Branch, but that still doesn't mean I'm going to talk. I just stare at him. It's all I've been doing, staring at both of them while they ask questions. Me remaining quiet. Why should I answer their questions? It's just going to get me into even more trouble, and this is trouble I don't need right now. I wonder if Dallas has called my dad yet. He's the only way I'm getting out of this, and trust me. I need to get out of this. Otherwise... I'm bound to do something stupid.

     "Listen, kid, this will all go by so much faster if you just respond." The other detective says. Detective Grey. He seemed calmer. More laid back. Maybe it's because he's older than Detective Branch. Detective Grey seemed to be maybe about mid-fifties. Detective Branch was maybe in his late thirties, so that would maybe explain why Detective Grey seems... would nicer be the right word?

     "Talk to us, and we won't have to play bad cop." Branch says. I huff a breath out through my nose and slouch back in my chair, still not saying a single word. Play bad cop? Cop is still in the sentence. Cops can't do anything illegal, which means they can't do anything to hurt or harm me. They can try to put the fear of God in me, but I don't think that's going to help them very much.

     "You were accused of stealing," Grey says. 'Wrongfully accused' I wanted to state, but I hold it back and instead roll my eyes.

     "We saw you attack that woman and we have the thousand dollars we found on your persona," Branch says. Attacking? Are they crazy? And that thousand dollars is mine and not stolen? The thousand dollars that you took from me as evidence for no reason? You guys are the thieves, not me.

     "You know, maybe you can help us figure something out," Grey says and I tilt my head to look at him. "Give is your name. Tell us who you are."

     "We can help you," Branch says. "There's no trace of you anywhere in our system. Now that tells us that you don't want to be found. You're hiding from someone. Who?" Do they really think I'll tell them?

     "You're going to want to let us know before it's too late." Grey says before turning and looking back at Branch. Grey nods and Branch picks up a remote and points it at a tv in the top corner of the room, turning it on. I look at it while watching a news channel and a lady was speaking but the tv was on mute.

     "Oops." Branch says turning the volume to the tv up.

     "Outside of Logan's steakhouse. The police don't have a name for their suspect and I'm hearing now that there is no evidence of the girl's existence." The reporter says but I just stare at the tv. They don't have anything. I let out a sigh of relief as a video took over the screen. A video of me being arrested. I look over my shoulder to look at Dallas and the video pauses, making me sit up straight and tense. "Law enforcement officers say if you know anything about this girl, tell them right away." They have my face on video. They have me on video.

     Branch turns the tv off but I keep staring at the blank screen. He can find me now. He can find me and there's nothing I can do about it because I'm stuck in a freaking interrogation room with two police officers that don't know what they've just done. I slam my fist on the table, standing up and throwing the chair behind me. I run my hand through my hair nervously as I begin to pace back and forth, mumbling things I couldn't understand under my breath. Both of the officers sit back and watch me pace around the room. They want this, don't they?

They want me to panic. They want me to be scared. They want me to tell them who I'm scared of. They want me to tell him everything. I'm not going to do that. I stop walking and take deep breaths, calming down, or at least trying to. How could I calm down knowing Jay is out there and he could see that video and come after me? Why would I be in the news in the first place? Maybe they could know. "Calm down." Grey says.

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