Chapter Eleven It Just Hurts

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Sucker for pain- Imagine Dragons, Lil Wayne

     I open my eyes, seeing a plain white ceiling with spots sticking out everywhere, little dots along it above me. Bright sunlight streams in through a window to my right, lighting up the whole room. This isn't a hospital. Thank the lord. Everything would have been so much worse if this was a hospital. I look around, seeing the plain brown walls, a few dressers, a big mirror, and two doors.

     Everything came rushing to me all at once, making me wince from a sudden headache. Eddie and Dallas. I shake my head. No. They can't have me. Dallas. This is Dallas's fault. He sent that man to kill me because of what I saw. What even did I see? I saw Dallas. He's a murderer. That's what I saw. He's a killer, and he tried to have me killed. I'm not gonna give him another chance. I shake my head again and try to sit up, but too much pain erupts across my body, and I fall back down.

     Slowly. Take your time. I place my hands firmly on the mattress and slowly push myself up into a sitting position wincing again from the pain. I take a deep breath before I slide one leg over the edge of the bed, letting it hover over the floor, and then slide my other leg after a few seconds while turning my body, doing my best to ignore all the pain I'm feeling now. Okay, Ryder. You've sat up. You've slid your legs over the edge of the bed, and you've turned your body.

     Now, just place your feet on the floor and stand up. My hands grip the edge of the bed as I look down, studying the floor. The floor was tan square tiles that seemed to go really well with the brown walls. Ryder, stop focusing on how well the room is put together and start focusing on standing up. I take a few deep breaths before pushing myself further over the edge as I feel my toes touch the tiles, and I close my eyes, preparing.

     I take a deep breath, open my eyes, and gently scoot forward until my feet touch the cold tile floor. Okay, Ryder, you've done this much. Now, let's stand up. I keep the palms of my hands against the bed as I try to stand up, but the pain in my stomach comes at me all at once, causing me to hiss loudly in pain and sit all the way back down on the bed. I wasn't even able to lift myself an inch up from the bed.

     Okay, Ryder, now you know how much pain to expect. Try again but fight through it. You can stand up. I try to stand again and force myself off the bed, causing me to cry out from the intense pain, and I lose my balance, falling forward and landing on the cold tiles with a thud. Great. "What the hell are you doing?" An angry male voice says. I look, seeing Dallas staring at me from the doorway. He must've heard me and came in here.

     Why did he have to hear me? Why not anyone else? I look away from him, placing my hands on the floor, pushing my upper half up, and holding myself like that. "Trying to stand." I mumble in a rough voice as a cough tickles my throat, but I hold it back. Why is everything suddenly spinning? Why do I feel like I'm going to throw up?

     "You don't need to be standing." He growls as I hear him coming to me. I feel him slip one arm under my knees and the other behind my back as he lifts, and I hiss in pain but feel it coming up. I start punching him.

     "Bathroom. Now." I say as I assume he gets the message because he carries me to a doorway and opens it revealing a bathroom. He sets me down gently but quickly as I grab the toilet bowl and instantly throw up. Great. I threw up. In front of him. Why hasn't he tried to kill me himself yet? Why does he seem to be helping me?

     "Are you okay?" He asks. Why do you suddenly care?

     "I'm fine." I say, breathing heavily as I lean back a little bit.

     "You're not fine."

     "If you know I'm not fine, why did you ask?"

     "Are. You. Okay?" He repeats, but slowly this time. I sigh and rub my hand over my face, still feeling dizzy.

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