Chapter Twenty-Nine A Dirty Free-For-All

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Take It Off- Kesha

    I didn't go anywhere last night. I slept on a bench in a park. I was freezing, looking for a place to go, and I was not about to call anyone for help. Who could I trust if I couldn't even trust the two people I really trusted more than anyone? I shake my head and look around. The lights were dimmer and the stores had bars on the windows. Looking around at everything instantly made me stop in my tracks.

     How did I get to this part of town? I was in the bad part, the gang-related part. How could I not realize I walked here? I need to get out of here, I need to get back to the good part of town. Before anyone sees me. I turn around in a slow circle looking for street signs or anything to tell me where to go, but I couldn't see any. Even if I saw a street sign, I wouldn't know where I was going. Where was I going? What am I supposed to do now?

     Should I call someone? Who the hell should I call? I can't call Dallas, obviously. I can't call Archer or Leo. I don't know why...I just feel like I can't. I can't call Rocco because Rocco is Dallas's man. I can't call Sam. Sam could be near Dallas or she could tell Dallas. I do trust Sam, I really do. It's just... well, her brother is Dallas. That's the only problem with my situation. I mean, I know she won't tell Dallas. She's mad at him too.

     It's just he is her brother. Even though brothers and sisters fight, after all, they're still family. No matter what. I hope Cole knew that before he died. I shake my head. This is not the time to think about your brother. Think about where you are and how to get home. To get home, I'd have to know where I am. "Where the hell am I?" I mutter to myself.

     "Lost?" A voice says behind me, making me spin around and face them. It was the man from the fight. David, I think his name was. Unconsciously I take an extra step away from him as he leans against a building's wall and smirks at me.

     "I'm fine." I state as his smirk seems to grow when he eyes me up and down.

     "Where's Dallas?"

     "I don't know, and I don't care." I say bitterly and his smile grows.

     "What? Dallas get in a fight with his girl? Or is his girl just mad?" He says, making me angry. I am anything but 'Dallas's girl'. I was about to reply, but a small wind blows, and when I shiver, I tighten my arms around myself. His smile fades and he stands up straight.

     "How long have you been out here, walking around?" He asks, stepping towards me, but I step back again.

     "I don't know." I reply honestly as he steps forward again, and I step back.

     "Why are you here?" He asks as I take another step back, watching him wearily. I don't trust him. Hell, I don't trust anyone. His eyes stay only on me.

     "I don't know." I say again honestly. Why am I being honest? A car near me honks, startling me as I turn to look for it, but I am pulled onto something hard. Warm hands hold my shoulders as I look up at him. David is holding me.

     "You're freezing." He says in a shocked voice for some reason. Why was he shocked? He shouldn't be shocked. He shouldn't even care.

     "Why do you sound shocked?" I ask, almost annoyed. He was treating me like an object to mess around with at the fight and now he wants to act like he cares? Why does that remind me of Dallas?

     "I'm just surprised Dallas would let you walk around alone, without a coat, and wander around into a bad part of town..." David says and I slowly look down. "Unless he doesn't know. How could Dallas' girl get away from him?"

     "I'm not Dallas' girl," I growl out, trying to step back, but his grip on my shoulders tightens as a smile forms on his face.

     "You're not?" I shake my head. "Why do you always seem to be with him?"

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