Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Pic: Katou holding Wadō Ichimonji

Katou's POV

It was Sunday afternoon and the rain was heavier than napoleons army.

I was sitting in the drawing room with Zoro painting, trying to paint Zoro actually.

The picture is him just been knocked back by a powerful blow and his head is knocked right back so all you can see is his jaw, chin, neck and a tiny but of face.

Not to mention that bad ass, sexy bandana.

"Lift your head all the way up and keep it still!" I pestered him as he kept moving.

I added the strikes of blood into the air with a vermillion red and dabbed his bandana his a dark Persian green.

"Can I stop trying to break my neck now?" He said impatiently.

"Mmmm... Yup!"

His head snapped up and came around to see.

"It looks done but I'll probably add some finishing touches later, what do you think?" "I feel like that's happened to me before..." "Ahh, now I'm psychic..." I took off my white apron that was completely covered in paint (I really need a new one) and left the painting on the easel to try.

I walked to the couch in the living room as picked up my sketch book.

"Now it's nap time." Zoro came at laid across the couch with his head in my lap.

"How the hell are you tired? You sat still for half an hour, you could've slept in that position, I didn't need to paint your eyes." I said flicking to a fresh page and the first thing I mapped out was Zoro's eyes and mouth. Just his eyes and mouth.

"Who said I wasn't sleeping?" He closed his eyes and I sighed.

I may argue with him but it's because I love it.

If he tried to get up now I would pull him back.

I stuck the pencil in my hair tie and ran my hands through his green hair, it's was surprisingly soft, I would've expected it to be spiky and course.


"My fluffy duckie Zoro..." He opened his eyes and said.

"What gave you the idea I was a duck?
If I was anything I'd be tiger." He said annoyed and shutting his eyes once more. "Rawr!" I poked his cheeks at once receiving no reaction.

"Or a heartless shark..." "I'm not heartless," "prove it," "I love you, my heart loves you, my head loves you, my skin and bones loves you, my soul loves you... I love you more than anything." "STOP MAKING ME BLUSH!" I covered my face in my hands and looked away.

"Do your muscles love me?" I asked regaining full strength.

"Yes," "hmmm..." I rubbed the end of my pencil to my forehead.

"Zoro?" "What?" "If I told you that I didn't love you what would you do?" He suddenly sat up and looked at me with sadness in his eyes.

"You love me right? Your not having seconds thoughts right?" His voice went really quiet and I suddenly feel really terrible I asked.

Its like Zoro's child has come out...

"Of course I love you, I'm sorry I asked, I didn't think you'd be so upset. I-I'll always love you." I looked away in embarrassment and he lifted my chin close to his face that I couldn't help but look into those deep dark eyes.

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