Chapter 35 ➳ Us

Start from the beginning

Brie focused back on the dying fire in front of her that was close to her boots. Some nights after they've made the fire up, Brie seriously contemplated throwing herself in there to suffer and, eventually, die. She'll turn, though. No matter what happens to you, you turn — unless you get hit through the brain first.

All Brie wanted to see is her little sister smile once again, even if it was for a second. She wanted to save Lucy from this world, but that was impossible since Lucy had allowed the evil to consume her.

~ ~ ~

"I don't want to do this, Brie!" Negan exclaimed, kicking her in the ribs. "You shouldn't have left me when you did!"

Brie was taking each and every shot, spitting up blood when he'll hit her and kick her. Simon was hovered over Negan, where Brie was laid out on the cell's cold ass floor. Simon wanted her dead for betraying them.

Just as the smoke cleared, Simon was the one that snuck up on Brie and practically kidnapped her before anyone else could notice. He brought her back here, where they could beat her to a bloody pulp for betraying Negan to even begin with.

Brie seen through a busted eye and a whole one that Dwight had walked up, almost appalled of the disaster sight of Brie. His mouth was somewhat hung open and he blinked a few times.

"I trusted you!" Negan screamed, kicking her one last time in the ribs. He straightened himself up and without looking back at them, he called out to his fellow Saviors: "Dwighty-Boy, fire up the furnace. We have a traitor to burn. And, Simon, go get her ready. Drag her, if you have to."

"Yes, sir," Simon happily accepted, even smiling about it.

Negan turned back around, grabbing Lucille from being laid-up beside the door. "I really don't want to do this, Brie, but it's what has to be done. You are a traitor... And traitors get burned."

Negan walked away as Brie laid there, struggling to breathe and not choke on her own blood. As soon as Negan was down the hall, Simon looked down at Brie with a more than eager grin across his face. She was going to pay for what she did. Burn, actually.

Simon bent down and grabbed her by the back of her hair, taking in a big handful of it. "C'mon, Brie," Simon growled, picking her up by her hair. She couldn't stand, though, so that's when he decided to drag her instead. "You'll learn, you stupid bitch! You don't cross Negan!"

~ ~ ~

"You hear that?" Brie whispered to Lucy, peering behind them at the noise that just came from the woods. "What was it?"

Lucy shrugged, turned back around to face the fire from looking behind herself for a moment. "I don't know and I don't care," she murmured and rolled her eyes. "I hope that they get me."

"What a positive attitude that you have," Brie sarcastically commented, staring at her as she said this. Nevertheless, Brie rolled her own eyes before standing up with her AK-47 rifle. "I'm going to go see."

She didn't hear Lucy say anything, so she began to take off into the woods that surrounded them. She held the rifle up, along with a small flashlight that sat on top of it, pointing in the direction that she had heard the noise to come from.

"Come on out," she called out to the unknown noise, obviously afraid and not at the same time. "I won't hurt you... Not unless you make me."

The noise didn't return, but she stayed for a minute longer to linger around until it would come back. Lucy normally would suggest that it's an animal of some kind than the dead or people. Yet, if it was people, it would be one with the noise that it made.

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