"What are you laughing for?" Dinah grumbled, rubbing her eyes sleepily.

Normani continued to laugh as her girlfriend looked up at her in confusion. "Y-you were just having a-" her loud laughter interrupted her sentence. It was a good thing that Victoria was downstairs with Normani's parents. "W-were you having a...a sex dream?"

Dinah rolled her eyes and peeled the cover back off of her body. She stood up and walked to the bathroom to take a shower.

Normani stopped laughing for a second until she joked to herself about how Dinah was probably about to touch herself in the shower.


"Why won't she stop crying?" Dinah groaned as she paced around the room with the 3 week old baby in her arms.

She was becoming more and more frustrated with herself because she literally thought she tried everything to make the baby stop crying. It was making her feel useless.

How was she supposed to help the baby if she didn't even know what she wanted?

"Here, let me take her." Normani said as she walked up to her girlfriend and took their daughter from her arms. She walked around the room while carefully bouncing up and down. She softly put her hand on her forehead and noticed that it was warmer than usual.

Normani frowned and laid the baby down on the couch and undressed her. "She's just hot."

Dinah forced her fingers through her hair and shut her eyes tightly. "Of course she is...it's nearly 80 degrees outside dammit! How come I didn't think about that?" She scolded herself as she plopped down onto the couch that was parallel to the one her girlfriend and daughter were on. "I'm so sorry, Mani."

"It's okay babe. You're just overwhelmed right now, and I think you should try taking a break. Or going out."

Dinah thought about the suggestion for no longer than two seconds. She didn't like that idea so she shook her head. "Where would I even go? And plus I'm not leaving you guys here all alone."

"My parents will be back soon, and staying in this house is driving you crazy Dinah. I just know it is." Normani said to her softly.

By now, the baby had cooled off a bit and stopped crying. She just looked around at whatever caught her eye. Whenever she would hear her mother's' voices, she would turn to look at them before getting sidetracked by a random colorful object in the room.

Dinah sighed and thought about what Mani said. She was right, being stuck in a house with a crying baby that needed everything done for her was making her crazy. She only got less than 5 hours of sleep a day.

And to add onto all of this, she couldn't get a stress reliever, which was sex.

But she was so used to keeping her frustrations built up inside and sucking it up  and trying not to complain because she knew that this was what they were planning for over the past 9 months.

It's what parents went through, and she wasn't going to punk out and quit now. Or ever.

So she denied Mani's suggestion of going out and spending the day by herself because she didn't want her girlfriend to suffer by herself. They made Victoria together and they were going to raise her together.

Dinah stood up and walked over to the couch where Victoria laid and Normani sat-picking up the baby who was only sporting a fresh clean diaper.

She sat down next to Normani and smiled at her. "Wanna watch a movie?"

"Yeah, sure." Normani smiled back in return, getting up to put on a movie for the family of three. "Lion King or Moana?"

"That's a hard decision to make." Dinah said and they both laughed. The blonde then looked down to her daughter who was already staring at her with big brown eyes. "What do you wanna watch Tori? Huh?"

Victoria smirked a little and squeezed Dinah's finger that she held with her whole hand. Dinah loved when she did that. It was so cute seeing such a small hand hold onto her one finger so tightly.
She chuckled and looked up at Normani who stood by the tv waiting for Dinah's decision.

"She wants to watch both." She said, and Normani scoffed and rolled her eyes playfully. "Please...she wouldn't even stay awake for 30 minutes of the first movie."

Dinah laughed and turned her attention back to her daughter. She repeatedly kissed the hand that held her finger. Which made Victoria smile toothlessly.

Normani returned to her spot on the couch. Dinah adjusted Victoria's position in her lap so that she could see the tv, and so that Normani could lean on her while they watched the movie.

As expected, not even 15 minutes into Moana, Victoria was fast asleep in her mother's arms. Normani was also on her way to sleep, this being her first nap of the day.

Dinah smiled down at her family. It was nothing like spending a Tuesday afternoon with her family on the couch watching Disney movies.

She couldn't wait to see what things would be like in a few years when Victoria could run around and talk actual words.

Where would she and Normani be in their relationship? Married or engaged probably?

Dinah thought about things like this sometimes, but she thought about it more and more everyday after her daughter was born.

Things were changing and she was growing up. Life was about to get crazier though.


This was boring 🤧 but what interesting things can you do with a newborn baby? Not much right ?

Y'all can leave some ideas for what y'all wanna see in the upcoming chapters, but for the next chapter I wanna do a time skip but I don't know how far ahead I should write it.


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