Dinah shook her head at her five day old baby and got up to take the food out of the microwave. She checked to see if it was still warm as she walked back over to Normani. "I had some breakfast delivered not too long ago, so you can eat that whenever you're finished. " she informed her girlfriend, receiving a nod from the older woman.

She just sat and watched until Normani was finished breastfeeding. She carefully put her shirt down, and placed their daughter over her shoulder to burp her.

Normani looked to her right to see her girlfriend day dreaming. She laughed as she patted Victoria's back to help her burp. "Eyes up here, DJ."

"Huh?" The blonde asked as she was snapped out of her thoughts. "Oh." She said with a blush. "They're just so big, but I can't have 'em."

Normani shook her head. "You can massage them later after Victoria goes to sleep."

"Looks like she already has." Dinah said, smiling at the baby whose eyes were closed and mouth wide open with a trail of spit up milk leaking from it onto her mother's shirt. "You'll need to change your shirt though."

"I was gonna take a shower anyways. I feel yucky. " Normani said, standing up and walking carefully up the stairs to place Victoria down in her bed.

Dinah followed behind her a few minutes after. She walked in to find her girlfriend carefully removing her clothes. She slowly walked up behind her and helped her remove her shirt.

"You look like you're in pain." She said to her girlfriend who silently thanked the woman for her help.

"I am." She hissed as she stepped out of her shorts. "The doctor said it would take 2 to 6 weeks for my body to heal and go back to normal." Normani smiled a little as she was ready to get her abs, toned waist, thick thighs and round behind back.

"Really? How long would it take until we can have sex again?" Dinah asked seriously and Normani whipped her head around. She stared at the taller woman with a shocked expression on her face.

"I just gave birth five days ago, and you're already talking about sex?" Normani chuckled. "You're a mess, Dinah Jane." She said shaking her head and going into the bathroom to run her bath water.

"Well, I had to wait damn near 5 months without sex because you didn't feel comfortable." Dinah responded as she followed her girlfriend into the bathroom.

"Can you blame me though? I mean there was a big balloon in the way." Normani said as she let her body sink into the tub filled with warm water. She sighed in relief.

It feels good to have an actual bath in her own home again.

"I guess you're right, but I'm serious. When can we get back to our old ways?" Dinah asked as she stripped herself of her own clothes now.

"The doctor said another 4 to 6 weeks from tomorrow, so don't try anything until August." Normani sassed the woman whom sat behind her in the tub. She pulled the woman back against her chest and sighed in reflief.

Dinah remembers hearing the doctor say those words, but she was planning to ignore him. And now that Normani was saying those words, they went in one ear and out the other.

The light haired woman rested her chin on Normani's shoulder as the dark haired woman let her head fall back against Dinah's chest.

"I've missed this." Dinah whispered. "We haven't had this in about a month."

"Well, with Victoria here now...there's no telling when we can just relax with each other." Normani spoke. She felt Dinah's hands rub all over her body, soothing her skin with her warm wet hands.

"I love her though, and she's so cute." Dinah grinned.

"Me too. I'm gonna spoil her so much because she's my princess." Normani chuckled thinking about the future and how she was going to buy her all sorts of pretty princess dresses and make up kits to play around in.

"You are so glad we had a girl. " Dinah said while giggling.

It was true, but Normani didn't respond because she was too busy enjoying the feeling of her girlfriend's warm hands massaging her sore breasts. She occasionally moaned at the feeling. She never knew that breastfeeding could feel so good, but hurt so bad afterwards.

"You keep moaning like that and we won't make it to 4 to 6 weeks." Dinah said seriously, but also squeezing both of the woman's breast making her moan louder.

Dinah smirked and moved her mouth closer to her girlfriend's neck. The blonde knew that her girlfriend hated when she teased her, but in this moment she wasn't teasing because she actually wanted some.

Dinah placed a few open mouthed kisses on the darker woman's neck and smiled when she got the reaction she wanted.

"Dinah...Dinah move." Normani tried to say sternly, but her voice came out in a whiny tone.

"Do you actually want me to?" Dinah asked and sank her teeth on a spot of the brownskinned woman's neck. "I don't think you want me to."

"I-I do...Dinah, we c-can't." Normani whined. She wished this didn't feel so good. "I'm serious."

"You don't sound very serious." Dinah mumbled against her neck.

Normani finally pulled away, sitting up in the tub. She craned her neck to look at her girlfriend who wore a small pout on her lips.

"You're evil you know that?" Dinah said. "This is no fair, why can't your body heal faster?" She asked and wrapped her arms around the smaller woman's waist, pulling her back into her front.

"Even if we were able to have sex now, we couldn't because we would wake Victoria." Normani tried to reason.

This only reminded the younger girl that her family was supposed to come and see the baby today, but she told them not to because she wanted Normani to rest some more.

"Where's my mom and dad?" Normani asked, now dragging her wash rag over her body.

"They went to the mall to get more stuff for the baby." Dinah said, watching her girlriend get cleaned up.

Normani laughed, "They're going to spoil her more than we are. Your parents too." She said referring to all of the gifts they've received from the Polynesian couple already. "Did you see the stroller that your mom bought? Or the collection of sneakers your father bought?"

"Yeah, and she can't fit into any of it yet." Dinah laughed shaking her head.

"Dinah, we're back!" Derrick yelled from downstairs. "Ouch! Why'd you hit me, Drea?"

"They're probably sleeping and you're coming in here all loud. If the baby wakes up, it's your responsibility." Andrea quietly scolded him.

Normani and Dinah quietly giggled to themselves as they heard the whole exchange downstairs.

Derrick mumbled to himself as he rubbed the pain away out of his arm. He waited until his wife walked away to respond. "I don't mind spending time with my grand baby anyways."

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