Short one shot

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"I just had a bad day." Maka slowly shut her door and laid on her bed.
Soul shrugged and decided he should cook dinner, even though it was her turn.
A few hours later, Soul gave up and ordered a pizza.
"Maka, pizza's here." Soul spoke with his mouth full.
"Maka?" Soul's knocks went unanswered.
"I'm coming in, Maka. You better not be naked." He only half meant that. Soul turned the knob and pushed with all his might against the door.
"Maka?" She laid limp on her bed, sobbing.
"Oh Maka, hey, I'm here. Soul's here." He helped her up and laid her in his lap. Maka calmed down after a few moments and wiped her cheeks.
"What is it? Tell me. Talk to me. Do I need to kill someone?" That earned a giggle from her.
"H-Here." She hiccuped as she handed him a letter.
"I'm a high ranked meister. I decided to offer you an opportunity to get a name for yourself and to have a chance at being a death scythe. Sincerely cara." Soul shrugged and crumpled it up, throwing it in the trash.
"I stole it from your locker." She tucked her head between her knees.
"Steal whatever you want from there as long as it's not my lunch." He placed his hand on the small of her back. "You're the only one for me."

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