No lemon

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"Soul..." Maka knocked on his door as lightly as she could. If he was awake, he'd hear her.
"Ya? Come in." So he was awake. It was barely past midnight.
"Why're you up?" Maka entered his room and shut the door behind her.
"I can't sleep." Soul was laying in bed, maka joining him hurriedly.
"What about you?" He looked down at his partner as they snuggled together.
"Soul?" Maka buried her face into his shoulder.
"Hm?" Soul groggily kissed her forehead sweetly.
"I'm pregnant."
Soul's eyes widened before he got jumped out of bed and began pacing.
"Soul? Soul?" Maka squeaked, trembling.
"This is so cool! Ok. Ok. We need diapers. Definitely need those. I think. Uh...uh... oh! Food? Hm... all we have is bread so we should go shopping?" Soul's mind was spinning but he couldn't be happier.
"Soul!" Maka broke through his thoughts, sobbing.
"Maka?" Soul turned to her and wrapped his arms around her.
"What's wrong, Maka? This is the best thing that's ever happened to us!" Soul stepped back to watch her carefully.
"I'm only nineteen." She muttered, clenching her stomach gently.
"So? I'm twenty. I'll get a job." Soul assured before kissing her passionately.
"Names!" Soul swooped Maka out of bed and she wrapped her arms around him.
"Soul... are we keeping it?" Maka smiled brightly before Soul kissed her again.
"Of course."

Soul eater lemonWhere stories live. Discover now