Blow you away

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"Ah! Ah!" Maka muffled her moans into her pillow as her bed creaked.
She prayed that Soul was asleep and couldn't hear her because she couldn't stop herself. Not now.
"Hey, Maka are you ok in there?" Soul knocked.
"Yes, soul." She attempted to keep her voice leveled and after she received no answer for several minutes, she continued.
"Ah! Soul!" She rolled onto her back, removing her underwear then bra.
"Ah!" She inserted her finger into her, her other hands squeezing at her breast.
"Soul! Ah! Fuck me! I'm so horny!" Soul stood at the door, frozen.
After a moment, he shoved his hand in his boxers and rubbed himself slowly.
"Soul! Eh!" Maka grabbed her vibrator and pressed it against herself.
"Maka, fuck." Soul drooled, quickening his pace.
"Hah!" She stood and shut a drawer, soul still pleasuring himself to her.
"I need water." Maka opened the door to see Souls there, completely exposed.
"Don't kill me!" Soul shut his eyes before feeling Maka's hand rest on his junk.
"Maka?" He cracked an eye open before seeing she'd gotten on her knees.
"Oh man! You're the coolest!" Maka tugged down his boxers.
"Ah." She opened, placing him in her mouth.
"Maka! Fuck!" Soul grabbed her hair as she pumped him with her hands.
"Ah! Good girl, Maka!" Soul pulled her hair, making her go even faster.
"Fuck, fuck, I'm gonna cum!" Maka then removed her mouth but continued pumping him.
"Maka!" Soul came on her chest, maka opening her mouth and licking it off of her slowly.

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