Fuming first date

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(Hey guys! Sorry I know everyone hates author's notes but I was wondering if y'all want me to do a chapter in which I give some info about me. Literally feel free to say "no" in the comments. I don't want to do the chapter unless you guys are truly interested.)
"Maka! I'm sorry!" Soul held flowers outside of her room, he was dressed in a suit while Maka sobbed into her pillow. He knocked harder before sighing heavily.
"I'm not leaving. Open up." She only cried harder at this. He groaned before taking the spare key from his pocket and unlocking her door.
"Jerk!" She chucked the pillow at him as he set the flowers on her desk.
"You look nice." He offered. He wasn't lying, she wore a tight black dress and her hair was down.
"Get out." Her voice was steadier as she wiped her cheeks and blew her nose.
"I'm sorry!" Soul offered again.
"Just go. I'll cancel the reservation." She reached for her phone before Soul snatched her wrist angrily.
"What's your problem? You're ruining our first date!" Soul had confessed his love for her last week and she happily confessed back.
"I ruined it?" She was angry now.
"Um..." Soul feared for his head. Could he handle another Maka chop?
Apparently he could.
"We were literally thirty seconds into the date, Soul. And what'd you say?" Maka was edging tears again.
"'Shut it book worm. It's not my fault you're a flat cheated dork.'" Soul recited.
"I was so dumb to think you'd actually love me. This was nothing but ankther bet with black star." Maka turned away from him angrily.
"No! No! I was joking. I swear. I've been in love with you forever and it's not like I don't love your flat chest too and your books are annoying but they make you happy so I love them too!" Soul couldn't imagine losing her already. He'd just gotten her.
"Just admit it. You think I'm a loser with no sex appeal." Maka looked up at him. Her eyes meeting his.
"If I thought you had no sex appeal, I wouldn't've been carrying this around since last week." He sheepishly reached into his pocket and pulled out a condom (I almost wrote croissant).
"It's not like I thought we would but I was obviously hoping. No pressure. I knew you wouldn't want to but-"
"Shutup." Maka placed her hand over his mouth.
"This isn't a joke?" Maka clarified, rubbing her eyes. Soul shook his head.
"Kiss me." She removed her hand carefully. Soul crashed his lips against hers. She laced her fingers with his. Soul pulled away gently.
"I love you. I'm not pressuring you I swear. I don't want you to do anything you don't want to." Soul smoothed her hair, watching her adoringly.
"I'm ready. I've loved you since day one too." She smiled, unzipping her dress.
"Awesome! You're the coolest partner ever!" He practically ripped his clothes off as maka gently laid her dress down.
"You ready?" Soul had already put the condom on. He hovered over her.
"Mhm." Maka looked up at him lovingly.
"Ah!" He slipped inside her before giving her a moment to adjust.
"You ok?" Soul grunted, watching her face. She nodded. "Move." She whispered 
"Ah!" He slipped in and out of her, watching her face, savkrinh every moment.
"Oh! Soul!" She purred in ecstasy.
"Ah! Ah!" She clawed his back.
"Maka!" Soul couldn't be happier.
"Soul!" They released their juices before laying beside each other.
"I love you. And your flat chest." Soul ran his fingers through her hair.
"It wasn't an insult!"
Apparently Soul could handle 2 Maka chops.

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