Chapter 55: Apprehensions

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"...with Dara, Young Master."

Jiyong and I abruptly stopped ourselves on taking another step when we heard Mr. Jung's last statement.  Both of us shifted our gazes back to him, confusion written all over our faces.

"Why?" Jiyong was the first one to recover. "Why are they asking for Dara?" he asked as his brows instantly furrowed, alarmed.

Mr. Jung bowed his head respectfully before answering. " I apologize Young Master but they didn't tell me anything."


"It's ok Jiyong." He wasn't able to say more when I immediately cut him off. I looked at him and smiled reassuringly before casting my eyes back to Mr. Jung. "Where are they?"

He gestured his hand towards the main door and bowed again like what he did earlier. "They're at the living room waiting."

I slowly pulled Jiyong's arm, signaling him to walk towards the mansion although his face is still laced with concern. I know what he's feeling right now because even if I'm displaying a calm and collected me, my heart won't stop beating in a fast pace I'm afraid it will jump out of my mouth anytime soon.

We entered through the main door and I can't understand why I feel so heavy. It's like there's a knot at the very pit of my stomach and something bad is going to happen. I got startled when I felt a hand laced through my fingers, squeezing them from time to time to help me relax. I glanced at Jiyong with wary eyes but he returned it with a smile. "Breath Babe, I'm here." He whispered and that's the only thing I need to make my nerves calm down.

We continued walking along the corridor and not a while longer, we already reached the end of it leading us towards the living room.

"This can't be. What about my daughter? I didn't raise her just to be played by someone!" We heard someone talking from a distance.

Silence filled the air the moment we stepped inside the room. All the people present stills when they noticed us made our way towards the center.

"Jiyong, where have you been? We've been waiting for you here for hours now." Mrs. Kwon was the first one to speak as she stood up from the couch. She was about to continue with what she's about to say when something caught her eyes. I followed her gaze and noticed that they're now glued on our linked hands which I immediately removed from Jiyong's grasp. Jiyong glanced at me sideways, narrowing his eyes because of what I did before shifting his gaze back to his mom.

"Why? What do you want?" He asked as he scanned the room to see the other people present. "...and what are they doing here?"

"Son, don't say that to our guests. Show some respect." Mr. Kwon spoke this time, his face looked a bit angry because of Jiyong's tone of voice.

Jiyong sighed in defeat before raking his hair in frustration. "I don't have time for this." He said. He was about to turn and face me when someone suddenly spoke that made him halted on his spot.

"J-Jiyong... where are you going?" All of us shifted our gazes to the owner of the voice and found Kiko wearing a sad looking face. Her eyes were puffy because of too much crying and her hair is in disarray as if she hasn't checked herself in the mirror for a long time. She looks like a mess if you'll ask me. She slowly pulled herself from the couch and was immediately followed by her mother whom we heard talking earlier before we entered the room.

Jiyong abruptly faced her, giving her a dangerous glare that could send shiver down anyone's spine. "What is this Kiko? I thought I already made myself clear the last time we've talked?" He said between gritted teeth. Just by looking at him,I can tell that he's just containing his anger slowly building up inside him. "What is this huh? What kind of drama are you brewing this time?"

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