Chapter 21: Unnoticed

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I stretched my arms to reach for my annoying alarm clock as it resonated around the room. Though my eyes were still closed, i can already smell the sweet aroma of coffee and fried bacon. Wait, if i'm still here lying on my bed, then who's at our kitchen cooking the food? My eyes automatically snapped open as i abruptly stood up and head downstairs towards our kitchen. My eyes went wide when i saw the person responsible for the delicious smelling food.

"Appa!!! You're back!" I squealed and dash towards him to give him a tight hug.

"Awww. Did my Princess miss me that much?" He said as he put the pan down before returning my hug.

"Of course i missed you! You've been gone for so long!" I answered as i released him from my killer hugs.

"Was it that long? It's only two weeks Princess. Though we haven't had time to talk during my breaks." He said and continued frying some bacons and eggs.

"That's ok Appa. I know you'll be busy there that's why i didn't bother you that much." I said and started preparing the table. Appa turned to face me as he turned the stove off.

"Hey, don't think that way ok? I don't want you hesitating at times that you really need to talk to me. Just like that trip of yours that Jiyong have to call me about. Shouldn't you be the one calling me instead of him?" He asked as he crossed his arms above his chest.

Jiyong called Appa for me? But he said that it was Mr. Kwon whom he talked to that night to relay what Appa told me.

"I was about to call you but i missed your break time so i decided not to come instead. I didn't know Jiyong will ask you."

"Well he did and i was surprised by it. I never expected that call to begin with." He took a seat beside me after putting the food on the table. "Where is that kid anyway? I haven't seen him since yesterday."

"I don't know either Appa." I answered as i immediately took a bite of my bacon to avoid his gaze.

Appa heaved a deep sigh as he looked into the distance. "That poor kid, i hope he didn't take to heart what his father told him."

My curiosity kicked in once again as i can't stop myself from asking. "What did Mr. Kwon tell him Appa?"

He looked at me in the eyes before putting some food on his plate. "He called Mr. Kwon a week after he called me and asked if they could have a short vacation." My eyes went wide upon hearing what he said. Did Jiyong really ask his father that? Appa saw my facial reaction as he nodded at me. "I know right? It surprised me as well. We both know that he and his parents have a relationship gap ever since. I wonder what changed his mind and decided to bridge the gap that they have."

I can't believe he took my advice to ask them. I smiled at the thought but it disappeared the moment i heard Appa's next words. "It was put to waste though. Mr. Kwon's schedule was tight and still is. Another problem surfaced to one of their branches, this time in America."

"Really? Was it bad?"

"I don't think its as bad as what they had in Paris. What's good is that Mr. Kwon always handles things hands on that's why the problem gets resolved in a snap. The bad news is its the same reason why he failed to notice that he's already neglecting the most precious thing in the world, his family."  Appa somberly said as he shook his head. I agree with what he said, that's why i'm so lucky to have a very caring and thoughtful father like him. Appa suddenly looked at me intently and placed his hand on my shoulder. "I won't let that happen to us princess. Even if i'm busy, i'l drop everything if my daughter needs me." He said wearing a very serious face. I remember the last time he had that kind of expression. It was the time that he already accepted that it will only be just the two of us living in this world.

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