Chapter 42: False Hopes

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Donghae had finally calmed down and we were just hanging out on the balcony when my phone began to rang. I immediately fished it out of my bag and gasped when I saw who was calling me.

"Appa?! Where are you? I've been trying to contact you since I arrived."

"I'm sorry dear. I...was busy. Where are you?" He asked but there's something in his voice that sounded alarmed.

"I'm just here at the balcony. Is something wrong?"

"Ahh... no. Nothing's wrong. But we need to go now. Gather your stuff and we're leaving." He said. Now he sounded in a rush.

I can feel Donghae staring at me while I talk to Appa but when I looked up to him, he immediately shifted his gaze somewhere else but me. "Why Appa? Did something happen?" I asked again as I returned my focus back to Appa.

"I said No! Stop asking questions Dara. Just follow what I told you to do." He told me in a high tone that I was taken aback with his sudden outburst. I think he realized it too when I heard him sighed heavily in the background. "I...I'm sorry. I was just..."

"Appa, it's ok. I already got my stuff with me. I'm ready to go." I answered and waited for his next instruction.

"Ok. Wait for me at the lobby. I'll just go talk to my men to take over for me." And with that, he hung up. I'm beginning to worry about him. This is like the last time he called me when I was at school. When he said that I might be in danger and that someone will come for me but who could that be? Did Appa gain enemies because of his work?

"Dara, is everything ok?"

I heard someone spoke and surprised to see Donghae standing beside me. Gosh, I already forgot that I'm still with him. "Actually, I don't know but I'm about to find out."

He nodded his head as he stared blankly somewhere again. "Is that your Appa?"

"Yeah, why?"

He looked at me again and if I'm not mistaken, i think I saw him squinted his eyes as he nod his head slowly before turning to face me again. "Nothing. I'm just happy you finally got to talk to him." He smiled and suddenly checked his watch. "Oh, Dara...i just remembered. I need to go check on something, do you mind if I go for a while?"

"No, not at all. I'm about to leave as well." I told him as I returned my phone back inside my bag. "I'm just gonna wait for Appa at the lobby."

"Are you going to be ok there?" He asked and stared at me warily.

I chuckled at him when I looked at his serious face. "You sounded like Appa. You guys worry too much. I'm a big girl now in case you didn't notice." I tapped his shoulder to show that it's ok and when I saw that he's about to protest, I immediately cut him off. "You're going to check on something right? Now go before I think that you're just escaping me or something."

He laughed before nodding his head. "I'll see you in school Dara. Don't be a stranger alright?"

I nodded my head at him as a response, he's now wearing a serious face again. He pinched my cheek lightly before turning around to leave. I watched his back disappeared but there's something about his expressions I can't help but feel uneasy. I shrugged it off and headed towards the other direction leading towards the lobby to wait for Appa. I was busy thinking of what could have happened to him when I accidentally bumped into someone. The collision caused her to drop her bag on the floor. "I'm sorry Ma'am, I didn't see you coming." I apologized and helped her gather her stuff.

I extended my hand to return her bag and she reluctantly accepted it. She's wearing a big hat that covers almost her entire face i barely can see it.

My Mortal Enemy #143Where stories live. Discover now