Chapter 15: Confusion

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This is our second day of our field trip and we've gone already to various destinations included on the list such as temples, other museums and such. We are now currently having our lunch here at one of their famous parks in Busan.

"Arrgg!! My brain was so close to being fried because of too much information! I mean, how many temples and museums do he have to visit to know their history huh? How many?!?" I heard Bom complained as she massaged her temple feigning a headache.

"Atleast you enjoyed every second of it. In fact, i don't see you complain when Top is around." I teased her which she returned with a glare.

"Shut up Dara. He might hear us." She shushed me before looking around to check if there were any signs of Top. After eating our lunch, Top saw an ice cream vendor walking around the park. It took us by surprise when he abruptly stood up and ran after that poor ahjussi as if his ass is on fire.

"I didn't know Top loves ice cream." I said and both of us laughed. We are both looking at Top in a distance when i suddenly heard Bom uttered something.

"I haven't told him yet." She said as i glanced at her sideways. "I...don't know how. I just...i can't bring that up now that we're doing fine. I'm scared of what he'll say." She said not getting his eyes off of him.

"It's ok Bom. Don't pressure yourself too much. Time will come when both of you will be ready." I said as i gave her a reassuring smile.

"I got vanilla, chocolate and strawberry." Top said as he showed us the ice creams he bought in front of us.

"I want strawberry!" Bom screamed and raised her hand playfully.

"Vanilla please!" I said and took the vanilla ice cream from his hand.

"Ok, chocolate for me then." Top said as he took a seat next to Bom. The three of us were busily chatting when Jiyong and the rest of his members caught our attention. They were playing frisbee while waiting for our call time.

"Why does Jiyong act so cold towards others?" I heard Bom blurted out of the blue.

"Well, maybe its his form of self defense. He built his own wall to protect himself." Top answered but i just remained quiet, listening attentively.

"But why? Did someone hurt him before?" Bom dropped his next question which Top hesitantly answered.

"Hmm...physically..No. But emotionally..maybe." He simply said without further explanation. Bom, being sensitive enough to know that he doesn't want to elaborate further, stopped her questioning. I know what Top was talking about. I've seen it with my own eyes before. The way he tried to build a strong wall so no one can try and break through it. Even when we first met, i've already seen it.

I looked at him in a distance, the same time when he stopped and glanced at our direction. I'm not sure if we were the once he's staring at but the way he looked tells something i can't comprehend.

The organizers finally called us to gather round for our next destination which is one of the famous beaches here in Busan. Its the most awaited event after having to endure the boring parts of this trip. Using the same buses to transport us there, we reached the place for about half an hour. After explaining to us the do's and dont's, all the students immediately dispersed and scattered themselves all over the sea shore.

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