Chapter 53: The Barrier

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"That's enough Seven. You really don't have to push yourself to the edge." I told my own supervisor. Can you believe that? A subordinate reprimanding her superior is beyond weirdness but it has been our daily routine ever since the 'Han Byul Encounter' came to existence. Yes, that's right. The moment that woman came back to his life, he's been nothing but a workaholic freak. He said he needs to surpass whatever that woman can do and that unfortunately is the same as his field of work.

"You can go now if you want. Leave me be." He said as he continue with what he's doing. Aisht! this stubborn guy.

"Is this all about that Han Byul again?" I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"What? Of course not. Why are you dragging her name in this conversation? I just have to finish this." He said without breaking his gaze off his poor laptop which he keeps on typing really hard, I'm afraid the keys will soon leap out of its board.

"Finish what? I don't remember us having deadlines until the end of the month. Just admit it."

He finally looked at me and gave me his deadpan expression. "Admit what?" he asked.

"Admit that all of these has something to do with your arch nemesis." I told him and that made his brows connect in an instant.

He set aside his laptop and crossed his arms over his chest just like I did and leaned casually on his chair like a boss. "And what exactly are you pointing at Sandara Park?" He asked, his voice laced with authority. Oh-oh. He said my full name. That means he's irritated and I don't know what he'll do if ever I said something that will definitely tick him off. But...since when do I care? kekekek.

"That you can't go on with your life thinking that there's someone out there that can snatch your title any time soon. And when I say soon, it could be tomorrow...the day after that, or worst, now." I told him and that made his mouth hang open. Yeah, I know I'm a little harsh to him but I have to. He has to wake up from the nightmare he's in and I'm just saving him.

"I didn't know you can be so harsh like that Sandara Park." He said when he finally recovered from my comment. Ugh. Enough with my full name already.

"Come on, Seven. You're better than that." I said and walked in front of his table to have a better look at him. He stared at me longer than I expected but I didn't back down and looked straight to his eyes. When I thought he wouldn't give in, he finally heaved a deep breath and sighed in defeat.

"Fine. It's because of her. How can she do this huh? I worked hard to be where I am right now then she'll always show up and steal everything." He muttered but that made my curiosity hiked up. I think there's more to it than just their mere career competition.

I slowly sat on the chair in front of his table before asking him the question that has been bugging me ever since. "Do any chance...know each other, personally? I mean other than being competitors?"

He hastily shifted his gaze away to look anywhere but me. I saw him swallowed hard and fidget on his spot like a guilty person being caught from something he did. A smile suddenly tugged on my lips. This is new to him that I rarely see, being nervous and all.


"She's what?"

"She's my ex-girlfriend..."

Oh my God! I honestly didn't expect this. I thought they're just romantically involved like someone has a crush on someone. "Oh." was the only thing I said. What? I'm shocked.

When he saw my surprised face, he suddenly chuckled but it didn't last long for his smile immediately faded away. "We were together way back in college. We were happy and contented with what we have even if almost all the people around us were against our relationship."

My Mortal Enemy #143Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang