Chapter 44: First Day

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I'm waiting for Bom to arrive here at the cafeteria to have lunch. I know right? This is the first time ever that I was the first one to sit here, on this very table and wait for her to eat. Well, thanks to our professor for dismissing us early this morning for he said he had an emergency he needs to attend to. Anyway, since I'm still waiting for the bell to ring, i now have time to scan what the HR gave me last time we had an interview. Remember when I said that it was easy? I wasn't kidding and it really was. I just don't get why the others had a hard time with that. The HR said she will call us within this week if they are interested in hiring us but what confuses me is that, why did she already give us this folder if they aren't sure if they want us to work there. The folder contains some information we need to know about the company such as the company profile, the rules and regulations being imposed, the different personnel in charge per department and even the map of the whole building. I mean, why would they give these to us?

My eyes scanned the paper more as it landed on the name of the owner of the company but got dismayed when the only written was the initials. "Shin H.J." I mumbled unconsciously while holding my chin between my thumb and forefinger, my eyes focused on the paper.

"What are you reading?"

"Waaaaaa!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and almost fell from my seat when I heard someone spoke near my ear. I looked sideways to see who the culprit was and lo and behold, its Donghae himself looking shocked as I am. "Donghae! Why are you sneaking up on me like that? Are you giving me a heart attack?!"

"I wasn't. I didn't know you'll be surprised like that." He said as he helped me calm down.

I massaged my temple and heaved a deep breath before facing him. "What are you doing here anyway? You're suppose to be in class now right? I haven't heard the bell ring yet."

"Yup, but i got hungry and decided to go here to get some snacks." He said. Oh yeah, I forgot that when it comes to snacks, Donghae's a monster. "And then I saw you here. Did you ditch your class?"

"What? How could you accuse me of such? I have never and will never ever ditch my class for your information." I told him while pointing a finger at him, my mood hiking up. The fact that I have a scholarship to retain, loosing it is the last thing i need. I should maintain my grades at a required level and I can't do anything that can jeopardise it and one of them is playing hooky.

He raised both of his hands up in surrender as if being caught red handed. "Woah! Just askin' Dara. Why are you so hyped up?"

I stilled the moment I realized what he said. Yeah, why am I being like this? Ugh! I fixed myself and sat properly again before bringing my attention back to what I was reading. "Sorry. I was just stressed out...I guess."

"What are you stressing yourself about?" He asked as he took a peek over my shoulder. "What's that? Shin Group of Companies?"

"Yes. Bom and I applied here and we're already done with the initial interview."

"Ok. So what are you so worried about then?" He asked again as he crossed her arms above his chest.

"The HR lady said she will call us this week if we got in but the week is coming to an end and she hasn't called any of us yet." I told him without pausing. I heaved another deep sigh as I look at the papers feeling dejected.

"Hey, as long as the week's not over yet, you still have a chance ok? I know you'll get in. Trust me." He said with full conviction. I don't know if he's just saying that to lift my dying hopes up or he really feels that we really have a shot.

I faced him and crossed my arms just like him. "How come you're so sure about this? Are you somehow.." I wasn't able to finish what I have to say when I heard my phone ringing inside my bag. I immediately fished it out before swiping my phone to answer the call. "Yeoboseyo?"

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