Chapter 8: Another hell day

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Since we don't have classes today, Bom asked me to accompany her to the mall. Its one of her many hobbies to go shopping at least twice a month. It's the minimum of course but compared to the previous years, she goes there almost everyday. I was the one who influenced her to lessen her addiction to shopping because that's how good of a friend i am. Oh yeah. Kekekekek.

"Over here!" I heard someone shouted and i'm so sure its her. I scanned the area and saw Bom standing by the entrance of the mall looking stunning as ever. She's wearing a white floral dress that hangs above her knees and killer heels that adds to her towering height. While i am just wearing a simple white shirt and faded jeans with matching white sneakers. Yes people, i look like a beggar standing right next to her.

"What are you going to buy today?" I asked as we entered the mall.

"Nothing really, i just want to look around, see if there's anything new." She nonchalantly said.

We roamed around, entered various boutiques that she thinks something will catch her interest but nada. "Bommie....i'm tiiirreeedd!!!!" I whined as i stomped my feet like kid having tantrums.

"Ok baby, just a little bit more and we'll eat icecream later. How's that sound?" She played along while patting my head and ruffling my hair.

"Really??? Yehey!!!" I cheered while jumping up and down like an idiot. Everyone around us started to stare at us like we're some kind of alien from another planet but we don't really care.

After who knows how long, Bom finally gave up and pulled me to the ice cream parlor we usually hang out. She insisted on buying us ice creams since she said that's her payment for dragging me in here. I looked around for a table where we can sit and waited for her.

"Three scoops of vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup and sprinkles just how my baby likes it." She said upon reaching our table. I giggled and grabbed the treat she placed on top of the table. She really likes playing the role as my mother. I don't know if its because she knew what happened to me and my mom but i really don't mind. She's my best friend after all.

"Thank you mommy!!!" I said and started to dig in. She smiled at me and started eating hers as well. I stared at her for a minute before asking something that keeps bugging me since yesterday. " like him huh?" I abruptly asked. She almost choked on a spoonful of ice cream she just put inside her mouth.

"W-whaat?!?" She stuttered and looked back at me.

"You heard me now spill it." I said and placed my spoon down and focused on her. I saw her sighed and did the same.

"Fine. Yes, i like him...i like Seunghyun even when we were still kids." She admitted as she bowed down and fiddled her fingers.

"What do you mean since you were kids? You already knew him?" I asked in disbelief. I think my jaw just dropped on top of my vanilla ice cream.

"Yeah. Even before i met you." She told me.

"Wait, if you already knew him then why didn't he recognize you?" I asked feeling confused at her sudden revelation.

"Well, i don't expect him to remember me, we were kids back then, even i almost didn't recognize him until i saw his name on the bulletin boards topping their classes." Bom explained as she played with her now melting ice cream.

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