Chapter 33: The Wheel

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I was frozen on my spot, the reason why Bom collided with me as soon as she reached the entrance of the cafeteria as well. "Hey, why did you stop? What's wrong with..." she didn't have the chance to continue her question when she saw the cause why i suddenly stopped. I saw her looking at me in my peripheral vision before bringing her eyes forward again. "Maybe she's just his friend, or a close relative?" She said as she eyed the two noticeable figure standing not far from us.

Why am I feeling like this? Its as if someone is squeezing my heart inside my chest but i showed Bom that it was nothing. That I'm alright. "I-Its ok Bommie." I said and gave her a reassuring smile though I'm not sure if I really was.

Maybe Bom read my mind for she started pulling my arm and whispered to me for us to just go somewhere else to eat lunch. Unfortunately, someone caught sight of us and immediately called our names.

"Bom! Dara! Over here!" Top called and waived his hand for us to see. My heart pounded hard as we slowly turned around and acknowledged him by waiving our hands as well. Bom looked at me warily but I just nodded at her to go over to where they were.

Bom walked ahead and i followed behind, still unsure of what's happening. The moment we reach their table was the same time I met Jiyong's intense gaze. His eyes bore into mine but his face showed the usual stoic face he wears everyday. The girl, on the other hand, was still clutching on his arms like a koala and seemed like she doesn't have a plan of letting go. She's grinning from ear to ear as if she won a lottery or something.

Bom sat next to Top while Youngbae offered the vacant seat right next to him. "Hey, where's your food? Wait, I'll get you some. Is bibimbap alright with you?" He asked. He's being extra attentive right now and that earned a knowing look from the rest.

"Oh, don't worry Youngbae-ah. I can get it myself." I said and was about to stand up but he beat me to it.

"It's ok Dara. Just sit down neh?" He insisted as he tapped my shoulder repeatedly. He immediately went in line at the counter with Top following behind doing the same thing for Bom. That leaves me, Bom, Jiyong and the unknown being beside him. An awkward silence enveloped us while waiting for the two but knowing my best friend, she won't let it stay that way longer.

She glanced at my direction and displayed her evil smirk at me. Oh my God. I can already see the horns protruding on her head. "Hey Jiyong, aren't you going to introduced us to your friend." She asked.

The girl smiled at Bom and waited for Jiyong to introduce her but his face remained impassive. She nudged him a little but he just ignored her. "Aisht! Let me just do it then." She said as she rolled her eyes while flipping her hair in the process. "I'm Mizuhara Kiko, but you can just address me by my name. You know, i hate formalities." She introduced herself and extended her hand to Bom, her other hand still not letting go of Jiyong's arm.

"Oh, well...Hello Kiko. I'm Bom. This is my best friend Dara." Bom accepted her hand and so did I. She looks pretty and the way she dressed herself tells me that she belongs to the modeling industry.

"Wait, Dara? Are you the one living with the Kwons?" She asked and my eyes widen in shock. How did she know that?

"Uhm...yeah. I am." I simple answered and glanced sidewards to look at Bom.

"So you're the one who Auntie keeps talking about." She said and her smile turned into a wide grin. "You know, we could be friends and since I don't know my way here, maybe you can tour me around? Jiyong said he'll be busy and he can't accompany me most of the time but..."

My Mortal Enemy #143Where stories live. Discover now