Chapter 2: Prep for School

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"Alright Ms. Fiona Keadersen, your writing, and reading scores are well above average, so I am going to suggest you for honors classes there, but your arithmetic needs some serious help, so I have no choice but to place you in a remedial math class, and assign you a tutor."

Fiona sat next to Cake in her recently assigned councilor's office on Vincent Academy's prestigious, well-groomed campus. The office was neat, and tidy, and a small golden plaque was screwed on to the the entrance read 'Mr. Studibudi'. She smiled to herself, thinking of the irony of his name coinciding with his profession. Fiona was grateful that Cake had insisted on her learning to read from an early age. Prince Gumball had also played a part in helping her with writing and science, due to his passion for writing long research papers that he insisted she help him with. Yes, libraries and the ways of the scholar were not a new concept to her, but math was. She had always been fairly bad at math beyond multiplication and addition. Gumball had spent many a wasted hour over a paper-covered desk, sitting next to her trying to explain the more complex mathematical theories, but all his attempts had gone one ear, and out the other. She just wasn't interested. She didn't need to know the Pythagorean theorem to kill a three-headed cave yeti. But she did need to know it to survive high school.

"Don't worry girl! We will have you in honors Calculus in no time! Just you wait!" Cake nudged her side encouragingly, snapping her from her daydream.

Fiona smiled shyly back at her.

"Oh Mr. Study Buddy... Er... I mean Studibudi..." A pleasant voice sang from outside the doorway.

"Oh yes! Do come right in Mr. Schweet. I am just finishing up with these ladies." Mr. Studibudi replied.

A tall, preppy-looking boy with positively bubblegum pink hair stood at the door way. His arms weighed down with several large cardboard boxes stacked on top of one another. Fiona could tell that they were not going to fit through the short doorframe.

"Here. Let me help you!" She called as she got up from her seat and hurried over to help him.

"Oh no. I am quite alright. Please take as long as you like. I am in no hurry!" The boy replied hurriedly as he attempted to walk through the door way and set the boxes down.

Just as Fiona had predicted, the boxes were too tall for the door frame, and tumbled backwards towards the unsuspecting carrier underneath.

"Look out!" Fiona cried as she pushed the boy out of the way before the boxes could squash him.

The boxes burst open, scattering thousands of synthetic light pink and white rose petals around them.

"Flower petals?" She said with annoyance, expecting the boxes to be filled with something more heavy and dangerous.

"Oh my. This isn't good. Look at the mess I made!" A voice sighed from underneath her.

Fiona looked down and blushed. She had fallen on top of the young boy during her attempt to push him out of the way.

"Oh my goodness! I am so sorry!" She blushed as he got up and dusted himself off.

"Oh perfect timing!" Mr. Studibudi smiled. Not even seeming to notice the hallway floor outside of his office was now covered with pink and white rose petals.

"Ms. Fiona Keadersen, may I introduce you to the new Class President, Mr. Bernabon Schweet." He continued gesturing to the pink-haired boy standing above her.

Gumball.. She thought to herself.

"Very pleased to meet you Ms. Keadersen." He boy smiled like Prince Charming as he offered her a hand to help her up.

Adventure Time Academy with Fiona the Human - Fiolee (Rated M)Where stories live. Discover now