"I've got a plan." Kya annocued. "I'll take Cam to the supply close and inform Ally and Mara of my plan. Alexei, go out there and be the bate!"


Alexei's POV:

Kya lead the others out through an air vent in the ceiling. Once they were gonna, I opened the door we'd unblocked. Peeking out, I saw one of the knights pacing down the hall. "Hey! Tin can!" The knight glanced over to see me waving and dancing, before I sprinted towards the other end of the hall. Here, my luck ran out. The fifth knight, stood before me blocking the only other way out.

It raised it's sheild to knock me down. I jumped to dodge and scrambled to dash around it. My timing was off, as the shelid slammed into my ribs. Holding my side, I tried to get back up. The knight stood over me, the eye of X.A.N.A. glowing in it's empty gaze. The knight with the sword walked by, not paying us any attention. It must be looking for the others. "Next, your gonna be the distraction Kya." Mummbling to myself, I tried to think of how to get away.

The knight appeared unconcerned with no now that it had me pinned. Any move I make will be rewarded with some kind of pain. Well, I am known for my bone headed plans. I continued to get up, until the sheild rammed into my side again. This time, I was knocked across the room. This put some distance between me and the knight. Who released this, as it began racing towards me. Scrambling to get up, I ducked behind a staute to avoid the sheild. 

The knight rammed the staute, that currently had me pinned to the wall. "Alexei, run!" Kya's voice got the knight's attention, as she threw a bucket at it's head. The head fell off of the knight, distracting it long enough for me to get away. "I'll keep him busy, you play with the other one." Kya dashed off towards the knight, kicking it's head/helmet out of it's reach. Behind us, the other one with a sword came running down the hall. Silently cursing Kya for lovely playmate, I sprinted in the oppiside direction. 


Kya continued to distract her knight by playing keep-away with it's head. Eventually, she grabbed the head and chucked it into an elevator going to the fifth floor. "Have fun." Smirking, she went to check on Ally and Mara.

"Are we ready?" Kya asked. The two girls were in the dinosuar wing, untieing the ropes that held an several full scale dino skeletions to the ceiling. The plan was to lead the knights into the dinosaur wing and trap the knights (or some of them) within the skeletions, that would fall from the ceiling.

"Almost." Ally called from the upper level. 

Mara was on the other side, using a knife to cut the ropes by her. "Do we have to do this?" This was the only time Kya ever understood Mara. The girl was scared and didn't know what was happening. Suprisingly, Mara didn't complain when Kya explained the plan and asked for their help. Mara even offered to help bring the knights to their trap. "I'm having second thought about this."

"Mara, don't make me reget completing you." Kya said. "I was going to tell Alexei of your bravey."

This got Mara's attention. "Leave everything to me. Ally, just make sure you time everything perfectly." Ally had the most differcult part. She had to cut the final rope to trap the knights.

"We're ready." Ally informed Kya, who left to check on Cam.

Meanwhile, Alexei  headed back towards the medeivel wing, with the knight following him.  He wondered how much longer this would last. He was injuried and running out of breath. "Who's idea was it to go to the museum!?" Alexei grabbed a vase, using it to take the sword that came at him. "General! A little!" Ducking down, Alexei crawled under a table. The knight, circled the room looking for him.

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