Chapter 18

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"I've deicded to suppsin all work on other projects to focus on finding the final key." Cam's news the next morning shocked everyone. They all knew how hard Cam had been working for the last several weeks. For him to stop all work to foucs on one project spoke alot as to how important this one project must be. "The materialzion program is seventy-five precent complete."

Cam paused his explaintion to make sure everyone was paying attention. The group had deiceded to have lunch outside, hoping to avoid Mara and friends. After what happened with Avery confronting both Alexei and Kya, they didn't want to risk being overheard. The last thing they would need is someone else discovering the supercomputer.

"From the data I've been able to collect, the materialzion program can't be completed until all the keys have been found." While looking over his notes, Cam discovered a reacurring pattern. "Each time a key has been found, I've been able to make progess on the materialzion program. Without the final key, I won't be able to finish it."

"Which means Emi won't be freed if Xana get the last key." Lynn said grimmly. He was under added stress because the finals for the compeition were quickly approaching, along with the game against Kadic. Between Lyoko, extra practices, and school; he barely had time to finalize the lyrics. He didn't want admit that Kya had probably been right, it had been to soon for him to return.

"During gym I went to the mansion to mofiy the locator progam. Now it should be able to detect the key's sector before it appears. This will give us an adventou against Xana." Getting out of Cam proved to be easier then usual. Since the game agaisnt Kadic was approaching, Coach had been allowing free time instead of the usual structured gym classes. Some students used the time to do school work in the library. A small white lie and Cam was at the mansion. "Once I have a sector, we'll have to begin searching it every few days."

"How long do you think it'll be before then?" Lynn asked, hoping it wouldn't be soon. The assigned studio time for all finalist was in two days. Lynn would have to begin recording on that day. Besides the lyrics to finish, Lynn had to make sure Kya was also avabilie. Everything else could be down once the vocals were recorded.

"Hopefully by the end of the week." Cam answered. "In the mean time, I'm going to complete work and run some tests on the Swapping program. By next week, it should be up for use."

Alexei pumped a fist into the air. "Yes!" Since it his idea, he was the most exiceted. "By this time next week, Emi will be on earth with us."

"Hate to pop your bubble." Kya interrupted. "But one of us will be on Lyoko in her place. We should deciede now who that's going to be."

Alexei didn't appear surpised, as he smiled brightly. "It's already been deceided. Emi's going to borrow your body."

Kya saw red, as she stopped herself from slugging Alexei. Alexei was implusive and known to drag other into his crazy plans. But this was on a whole different level. How dare he voluteer her body? Sure Emi is her friend as well, but did she get a say? If something happened to her body while Emi used it, Kya would be the one to deal with the aftermath. Mostly, Kya was worried about her body being injuried before the competition.

"I think you should run." Lynn moved to sit between Kya and Alexei. By looking at Kya's face, he knew she was seconds away from hurting Alexei. "Explain quickly, before Kya attacks."

Kya passed a peved glare to Lynn. "Shut it." She didn't need anyone speaking for her. She could and would tell Alexei just what she thinks of his plan. "How dare you deciede this on your own!?" She was done keeping a filter to spare Alexei's feelings. "I don't even want to hear your explaintion for this. The next time you think to invovle me in something, give me a favor and don't."

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