Trivia 3:

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Kya hates fighting hornets. Because these monsters fly, Kya's kicks don't always connect with the hornet she's attacking. This often leads to her being attacked by the hornet's laser, losing life points radiply. This has been known to be the quickest why to get her devirated.

Krabs are slighly better for her to fight. Since they are so tall, Kya often has to either jump onto it's back or knock it to the ground and destory the eye on it's back.

Lastly, megatanks annoy her as well. It's hard outer armor, requires peferct timing for Kya to land an attack, without being hit.

Often, she gets hit the first time by it's laser and lose fifty life points. But is either able to destroy the megatank on the sceond try or knock it away from Emi, just before getting deviatered.

Extra Fact!: To over come her weakness against hornets, Cam will materizale some of Alexei's shurken onto Kya's belt. Kya hate using these, because she has bad aim. Unlike Alexei, who can throw the shuriken and destory a hornet. Kya mostly uses the shuriken to distact the hornets or clip their wings off.

The picture below are what Kya's shuriken look like. (They match her wintery/snowy/ice theme.)


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