Chapter 22

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"The tower's straight ahead." Cam guided the others through the desert sector. The screen lite up alerting him that Alexei was deviltuized. Lynn stayed back, battling a swarm of hornets lone. Kya and Emi cleared the final few yards to the tower.

"Homing Arrow!"The charkram whirled through the air, slicing into two horents. The cicurlar disk landed in Lynn's hand to late. The last hornet spat viratal acid, draining Lynn's last twenty life points. Returing to earth, Lynn plopped out of the scanner. Adlinerline from the return trip coursed through him, taking away some of his dizziness. Climbing into the elevator, he wondered if the girls made it to the tower. Entering the lab, he was greeted by Emi's voice.

"We're inside, Cam. Now, what?" Emi paced back and forth. When Cam had vilzited the others without warning, she taught something had happened. Cam vaugly explained they needed to get to this speific tower within the desert sector.

"Both of you need to stand in the center." Cam brought Kya's data. He'd scanned a copy of her vilairal data upon her vilatztion.

The girls quietly obeyed. Emi stepped into the center first, than Kya stepped inside. Standing back to back, they were lifted off the ground as a collum of light engulfed them. Warmth flowed over them, signaling the Body Swap program begun.

"What do all of these glowing symbols mean?" Alexei peered over Cam's shoudler. Curious about the glowing data, he reached out to touch the screen.

"Back away, Alexei." Cam slapped Alexei's hand back. "Now's not the time." Cam had rushed to finish it and while the program had passed every digital test so far. Actually using it is different from digital tests. Cam opted to run the program manually, than let the program run autoually.

First, he scanned Emi's digital data. Next, he manunally removed Kya and Emi's digital data from their bodies. The hardest part was returning said data to different bodies. Like an organ transplant, there's a chance the orinigal body may reject the tranplanted data. Cam had prepared a digital next to 'catch' Kya or Emi's data if a body rejected them.

A low beeping signaled the transfer complete. Cam ended the program, doing a final scan to make sure everything was okay. "How do you feel?"

Opening her eyes, Emi felt different. White gloves covered her hands, as a matching white dress figurer skating dress hugged her body. Taking a step, she nearly fell. She wasn't use to wearing ankle boots, like the white ones she now wore. "Cam, what did you do?" Panic building, Emi didn't recknous her own voice.

"We'll explain everything." A familiar voice said, as a friendly hand was placed on her shoulder. What should've been Kya, stood before her. She wore the familiar light purple dress with black leggings and black belt on the dress, I normally wore. Her, or rather my, purple hair was in a ponytail with a white ribbon.

"Kya?" Gingerly, Emi touched her body's face. The senseation of feeling her own skin through a different body sent a jolt of panic through her. "Please tell me we didn't switch bodies." For them to switch bodies would mean, Kya's now trapped on Lyoko. A part of Emi was thrilled at the idea of finally leaving Lyoko, while the other didn't want to pass this curse onto anyone. Not even to tempoarily leave Lyoko.

Emi went to summon a connection to the supercomputer, forgetting this wasn't her body. "Could you open a connection to the supercomputer? I'll need to figure out which program is buggy, before switching us back."

"I told you, we should've told her before hand." Huffing, Kya left the tower. Like Emi, Kya was unuse to her new body. The easy agliness honed from years of athlic training, weren't evdienet in this body. Her react time had slowed down sincally. As shown when the final horent sprayed her with acid. The yucky green subsctations melted the vilutal ground, berelfy revealing the digital void below.

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