Trivia 8

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Alexei's favorite monsters to fight are hornets, while his least favorites are kranets and mega-tanks. Since hornets fly, they allow Alexei the chance to pratice his shuriken throwing skills. They are also the easiest for him to trick them with Shadow.

Kranlets are the easiest of X.A.N.A. monsters to destory, since they are small, easily trickered, and fool. They are only annoying, because they travel in the largest group of all monsters. These large groups cause Alexei to quickly run out of shuriken and over power him, if he's on Lyoko alone.

Mega-tanks are Alexei's second least favorite. Their outer armor and hidden eye, frustate and annoy Alexei. He prefers leaving them to Kya, who's at more of a disavangetive them him, to destory them.

Bloks are Alexei's second favorite monsters. Their eyes are the easiest to get to target with both his sai and shuriken. Their lasers are also the easiest for Alexei avoid.

Finally, krabs are somewhere in the middle. Alexei neither likes nor dislikes them.

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