Chapter 23

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Alexei's POV:

My cell buzzed with this message from Lynn. 

Heading to the manison with Cam. Possblie Key location, will keep you posted.  

Of course we couldn't have one day free of Xana and Lyoko. It's always something.

Glancing beside me, I saw Emi's expression of wonderment. In the twenty something hours she's been on earth, experening new things, this is the first time she's been exicted. She bounced from foot to foot, wanting to move on. "Let's go, Alexei." 

Emi linked her arm around mine and headed down the hall. The close contact would've been fine, had it not been Kya's body. Part of me wants to cringe at the physical contact. Heck, I'm trying not to flinch anytime she moves, afraid she will hit me. Kya isn't volient, it's just the quickest way for her to get me to shut up.

A gentle hand patted my cheek. Emi looked at me with eyes that held excitment and concern. "Am I making you tried? We can rest for a bit." 

Emi's tender kindness is off putting when used in Kya's body. Yeah, this isn't creepy at all. Gotta remember to keep this to myself. Kya will kill me if she hears this. "No something came up, Cam and Lynn went to the manison to check on Kya."

Emi's expression darkened. "We should go too." Emi always puts others before herself, to the point of not caring about herself. I worry that she isn't selfish enough. Being on Lyoko day after day has to be lonly. Yet she doesn't complain. I've asked her point-blank if she ever gets lonley or mad at us for not going to Lyoko just for a visit. Her answer was a shrug and sad smile. 

Emi's a valueable member of our group, not because she can deactivate towers. She's the glue that holds our group's shakey friendship together. It is by finding the supercomputer and meeting her, the five of us became friends. Truthfully, I don't think Kya and Lynn would've spoken to us, we not discovered the supercomputer. Back than, two of us wanted to shut down the supercomputer and two wanted to explore the vitual world. Emi's sudden appears brought the other two around. An A.I. or not, we couldn't shut down the supercomputer knowing she was there. Likewise, we couldn't just walk away and do nothing. 

"The only place we're going, is my favorite place." I'm not going to let Xana ruin this day for Emi. We've gone through so much to bring her here, even temporaily. That shows there's hope that Cam's materilazion program will work. 

"No, Alexei. Cam went to the lab for a reason. I'm not going to allow Kya to be placed in danger." Emi's voice betrayed her resolve. Mi'lady wanted to do the right thing, but she didn't want to return to Lyoko. 

I wrapped my arms about Emi, pulling her into a hug. "Trust them, Mi'lady they know what their doing. They'll call us if something happens." Stepping back, I looked her in the eye. She had to know Lynn and Kya were trained Defenders who can handle anything. Kya being in Emi's body is a minor disadvangve, nothing they can't manage. "Now, I believe we still have my favorite place to visit."


Cam's POV:

"Xana's monsters are guarding the key, but they can't get to it." The map on the monitor showed Kya's location as southwest in the desert sector. She managed to aviod detection and found the key. According to th readings, the key won't appear for another forty minutes. Enough time to form a plan to determine if Lynn should go in alone with Kya or call the others. "The openings on the ground are big enough for us and kranlots to get through." 

"Couldn't Xana send horents to come from above?" Lynn asked. He leaned closer to get a better look at the screen. After several seconds, he scatched his head and back away. "How can you read that?" 

Code Lyoko: Lyoko Defendersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें