Chapter 10

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"Lightening Dash!" Lightening built up in Kya's skates, allowing her a sudden burst of speed. She used that to get the monsters attention. Skating circles around the monsters, Kya avoided the lasers. Lynn followed behind Kya, tossing his sole chakram, it gazed the head of a krab. The chakram flew in a arc, circling back towards Lynn. Meanwhile, Lynn was defenseless until the chakram returned. He didn't mind it through, it allowed him to make use of his athlic abilities. Using skills he's honed from years of soccer and basketball, Lynn sidestepped a laser at the last moment. Feinting right, he caught his chakram and aimed it at legs of a krab. Getting the krabs attention, Lynn caught the weapon again, before sprinting towards the nearby ice valley.

"Follow me." Lynn called, not realizing a the krabs were gaining on him.

"Sheild!" Kya jumped between Lynn and the krab, using her sheild to deflect the laser. She crashed onto the ground, as a krab stood over top of her. Trapped, Kya had no where to run. The krab stomped it's needle like feet, keeping Kya pinned. "Freeze!" Determined to save herself, Kya activated her second ability. Ice filled her gloves, allowing her to touch the krabs legs, freezing it in place. Kya slammed her feet rapliy against the krab's frozen legs. Breakign free, Kya strumbled forward. Before she could deliver the finishing blow, the krab fired a laser, hitting Kya in the chest.

"What the heck!" Kya screamed as she crashed into the ground and slide. "I thought it was suppose to be frozen!"

"You can't use Lightening Dash and Freeze back to back like that." Cam informed, while he worked on completing the hack. "They both require to much power. Freeze only worked on the parts you directly touched. It'll be another seventy seconds before you can use either one again." Cam needed both Kya and Lynn on Lyoko, there was no way he'd be able to leave the lab to assist them. Xana's current firewall had been the longest and strongest yet. Cam wasn't sure him or his programs would be able to complete the code in time.

Lynn circled back, tossing his chakram and destroying the partially frozen krab. "Let's go, Kya." Helping his best friend up, he allowed her to continue first. The two other krabs quickly caught up to them. Yet, Lynn and Kya kept running. They use reached the valley.

Emi watched as Lynn and Kya entered the valley, with the krabs close behind. Holding her arms out, she began humming lowly. The incoheration song slowly began repeated words. "Yrub kocr reilp" 'Bury rock piler.' Five giant ice pliers materizaled in the air just above the valley. Opening her eyes, Emi struggled to keep the pilers floating. While digital, there was still an exemtrly amount of weight they held. Arms shaking from the strain, Emi saw Kya and Lynn race through the valley, dodging lasers. Kya cleared the valley, while Lynn got knocked down by a laser to the back. Before he could recover, three more lasers hit him.

"Emi, you have to drop the pilers. Lynn's already lost forty life points." Looking up at the screen, Cam was shocked by Lynn's rapite drop in life points. "He only has sixty left."

"I can't." Emi aruged. "He'll get devirtalzed if the pilers hit him." She didn't want to hurt Lynn if she could help it. She was actually surpised Lynn hadn't gotten himself devirtiazed sooner. Lynn has been away from Lyoko for over two months. In that time, he would've forgotten what having a virtal body was like. Unlucky, Emi didn't have that problem. While she missed Lynn, she envied her friends and the freedom they had to come and go from Lyoko as they pleased. Why they kept choosing to come back, was beyond her. Yes, they were helping her. They were friends. But she didn't want them to keep putting themselves in danger for her. A part of her also wondered if she could be as selfless as them once she was freed of Lyoko.

"He'll be devirtalzed by the krabs if you don't!" Cam didn't like pressuring Emi, but Lynn would be devirtalzed either way. At least if Emi dropped the pilers, there was a small chance Lynn wouldn't be hit. "Emi!"

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