Chapter 26 Part 1

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"Hey, wake up." Kya pulled the cover off of Lynn. She and Emi had been trying to wake the boys for the last fifteen minutes. After the competition ended, Alexei invited them back to his place. Campus curfew had been extended to ten thirty for students going to the competition. Since the group was headed to the mansion in the morning, it was easier for them to spend the night together. Epsically, because Emi technqually didn't have a place to stay. She offered to stay in the mansion until they spoke with the prinpcal. As Kya's 'cousin', Emi was going to stay in Kya's dorm while she toured Kanna Academy. It was a temporay solution, but one that worked for now.

"We're not gonna have enough time to head for the lab if you don't wake up!" Kya shook Lynn as hard as she could, but he won't move. "A little help Emi."

Emi giggled. "They were up half the night playing video games." Once they arrived at Alexei's house, they continued their celebration. The girls, however, went to bed around midnight. "Why not let them sleep for a little longer? It's barely 6:30am."

Kya gave up on waking Lynn and moved to Cam. "Lynn will take forever getting ready." This she knew from experience. More than once during elementary school they'd been late because of Lynn's sluggishness. "Alexei hates getting up, period. And Cam can be extremely difficult to wake up sometimes. Like now!" She pushed her gamer friend off his bed. He landed on the floor with a loud thump.

The sound was enough to wake Alexei, but not Lynn. Feeling 'playful', Kya pounced onto a sleeping Lynn. Who jolted awake.

Emi doubled over in laugher from the scene in front of her. "Y'all look ridiculous!" Cam was tangled in his sheets, Alexei appeared confused, and Lynn wrestled Kya off of him.

"Guys," Kya smirked, "attack!" She lead the charge to tackle/hug Emi. The five landed on the floor with a thud.

"What's going on!?" Tyia stood in the doorway of Cam's room still in her pajamas. "When I said you could have a sleepover. I didn't mean literally." She tried to withhold a chuckle at the sight of five teenagers piled on top of each other like a mess of spaghetti.

"Sorry mom, the girls attacked us." Alexei lay on his back, waving to his mom.

"It's probably your fault for not waking up. I'd tackle you too to wake you." Which she'd done multiple times to Cam. "Now get dress, breakfast is ready." Tyia left the pile of giggling teens to get herself ready for work.

Sure the boys were completely awake, the girls headed for Alexei's room to get dressed. Kya and Lynn each kept a spare outfit or three at Alexei's place. It wasn't unusual for a food fight of some sort to break out whenever they hung out at the house. Kya had several stained shirts to prove it.

Kya lent Emi some clothes, while she rumaged through Alexei's closet for a shirt to 'borrow'. "Once we got to school, we'll speak to the princpal. Than all we have to do is enroll you." Finding a dark blue hoodie, Kya wore it over a tank top and shorts/leggings. While her style boadered on goth most times, Kya also enjoyed the tomboy stlye. Anytime she went home, she came back with a bag of her brothers' clothes.

"I'm looking forward to attending school with everyone." Dressed in a jean skirt, Emi wore a light purple shirt that matched her eyes. "What grade do you think I'll be in?"

"Probably eigtht like me, Cam, and Alexei. Or ninth with Lynn." Kya brushed her hair out of it's long braid. "Cam will decided when he's enrolling you."

The girls' met the guys in the kitchek once they were dressed. Tiya had made a feast large enough to feed a small army. Alexei and Lynn each had two plates in front of them, they ate like they hadn't seen food in months.

"Don't forget to breath." Cam moved his own plate closer to him. Given the chance, Alexei would steal rood from someone's plate.

Kya grabbed a plate and sat beside Cam. Like him, she was use to seeing Alexei and Lynn's eating habits. "Keep your hands and good away from the living stomaches." Lynn flicked a piece of bacon at Kya, playfully. She tossed one back at him.

Code Lyoko: Lyoko DefendersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora