Chapter 16

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Lynn's POV:

School finally ended, freeing me from boring lectures and annyoing teachers.  I had intended to head stragiht for the imfary once class ended, but got stuck talking to my father for forty mintues. It was the same old arugement. Stop wasting my time on music and force more on sports. My father was at the point where he didn't care if I continued playing soccer, along as I picked at least one sport to focus on. 

"Cam?" Entering the imfarmy, I called out for Cam. I wasn't surpised to see Cam furiously typing away on his laptop. Someone should really take that away from him. "Shouldn't you be resting?"

Cam brefily glanced in my direction, before returing to his work. "No time to rest. There's been an attack."

A chill went down my spine. "What's the attack?" With Xana, there was no telling what he could be planning. Cam and Emi had a theroy that Xana's intelligence grew and developed from each attack. There's no evdience to support this. Only that no attack has ever been repeated. "I'll tell others."

"Don't tell Kya." Cam's hand stopped me from getting my cell. "She has practice this afternoon for the competition. She doesn't need the added stress or distraction."

While I agreed with Cam, I couldn't knowingly keep this from Kya. I didn't like it when she does it to me and I've seen how Alexei reacts when it's done to him. "We need to stop hiding stuff from each other. Remember what happened when you didn't tell Alexei?"

The look on Cam's face said he didnt like it, but wouldn't stop me from telling Kya. Instead of calling I left a text to inform her. She should be extra careful since we didn't know what the attack would be and that we were heading for the manison without her. Kya was going to be mad later that she missed out on the action, but would thank us when she wins the competition.

"Let's head for the manison." Laptop packed away, Cam got off the bad and headed for the door. He didn't get a step out, before the nurse returned.

"Where do you think your going Cam?" Mr. C is the younger brother of Mr. Z. Both refused to tell us what C or Z stood for. Students continue to make guesses, yet neither one has revealed if anyone has made a correct guess. "Your on bed rest today. Return to your bed and get some sleep." Mr. C wasn't as strict as his brother, but wasn't one to be aruged with.

"I'm sorry sir, but there's something important I have to do." Cam answered.

Mr. C rolled his eyes, "The only thing you have to do is rest. Now get back in bed, unless you want to go to the hosptial? That means we'll have to call your sister."

Cam's eyes grew wide with worry. The last thing he wanted is for anyone to contact his sister. Since their parents work alot, his sister has been taking care of him for several years. She's the one the school calls, not their parents. She's threated to disenroll him many times. "I'm truly fine, Mr. C." Cam relucdly got back in bed.

Nodding in approval, Mr. C turned to look at me. "I'm afraid you'll have to leave Lynn. Cam is very exshuated and needs to rest." He pushed me of the imfarmy, then shut the door. 

Locked out, I decided to call Alexei. Alexei's cell went stragiht to voicemail, which meant it was off. After leaving a message, I went to Ms. Tiya's office. All staff offices were located in the admirstion building, on the first floor. Ms. Tiya's office was located in the back corner, by the file room. Because of her giant book collection, it was a hazard to walk around. The most of the time the place was a mess, yet Ms. Tiya always knows righth where something is.

"Ouch!"  Alexei's voice alerted me to the possblie dangers ahead. "Mom! Becareful, that's my foot!" Alexei hopped on one foot, until he got to a chair free any stuff. He appeared to be inspecting his foot for injuries. Coach would not be happy if anyone on the team got hurt before the big game. Maybe I should rethink entering this room?

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