Chapter 15

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"Is this your playlist for the competition?" Kya returned Lynn's ipod to him. It was after school and the two of them were hanging out in the forest behind the school. The competition finals were only weeks away. Lynn had finalized his playist, he just needed to make some adjustments.

"Yup." Lynn placed his ipod into his bag. "I decided to use some old songs, along with new ones. Of course, some tweaks are still needed."

Two of the songs were different some Lynn's usual style. "I'm glad your trying something new." Kya's voice trailed off.

"But?" Lynn asked.

"It feels forced." Kya said, not bothering to sugar coat her words. "Usually your music feels free and willing. These two felt heavy and forced." Kya didn't know how else to desbile it. The music wasn't lifeless. There was a hidden pulsing energy, that made the listener want to get up and dance. They were good enough to listen to once, but they didn't leave you wanting more. Lynn's songs always made the listener want to come back. They envoked a feeling of familarity and longing. Like an old friend coming for a visit, bring old memories with them. "Honsetly, I think you should scap them."

Lynn looked at his songbook, serisouly thinking over Kya's words. One on hand, he would have a much better chance of winning if he scapped the two songs. On the other, "I can't do that." Lynn looked Kya in the eye, letting her know how serious he was. "No matter how good or bad, each song and lyric has a purpose. A meaning. Scapping any of my works, would be like getting rid of a friend."

Kya gave a small laugh, "Their a part of you." She should've known better then to tell Lynn to scap any of his works. While he didn't have to use them in the competition. The songs had been created specifically for the compeition. Which meant Lynn would be more inclined to use them. "How about you work on the music and I'll work on the lyrics. We've still gotta record the vocals."

Lynn gave a small smile, "Your right. The vocals need to be recorded and possbile edited. There's still sooo much to do." Lynn fell onto his back, groaning.

We didn't have a chance to work more, because Lynn's cell rang. From the one sided converstion I heard, it was probably Alexei. The annoyed look on Lynn's face confirmed my thoughts. "Alexei wants us to meet him at his house."

Rolling my eyes, I packed up my stuff. Knowing Alexei, this could literally be about anything.


Lynn's POV:

"That's actually not a bad idea." We'd gathered in Cam's room, much to his dismay. Alexei had called us over, without explaining why. After failing to convince Cam to leave his room for a few mintues, Alexei choice to move the meeting to Cam's room. Cam grunted his displeasure, but didn't kick us out. "What did you have in mind?"

"Something not to crazy I hope." Kya looked up from the video game she was playing. "But I agree with Lynn, Emi will enjoy the surpise. I can't believe it's almost been a year."

Alexei had called us together to discuss a suprise party for Emi. We've known her for almost a year and he wanted to use that date as Emi's unoffical birthday as well. "In addition to a surpise party." Oh no, there's a but coming. "I was looking through Cam's files." Cam turned to befily glare at Alexei, then returned to work. "There's a program which allows visucal beings to switch bodies with another viscal being. I was thinking we could use that program and allow Emi to borrow one of our bodies for a day. As a sought of early birthday gift?"

"How early?" Kya asked.

"Next week." Alexei said sheepishly.

"NEXT WEEK!?" Cam, Kya, and I said in unison.

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