Chapter 17

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Cam began working on a firewall to slow Xana from infecting the supercomputer with a virus. It wasn't easy, though. The consist headaches combined with dizziness didn't help his focus. For the first time, Cam began to wonder if he really was working to much.

 "You should see the tower soon." The on screen map showed the other fastly approaching the tower.  Maybe they wouldn't need the firewall after all. "Do you see the tower?" Cam rubbed his eyes, unable to focus. All of a sudden, everything became blurry and unfocused. Cam couldn't remember what he was doing. The only thing he remembered was sending the others to Lyoko, after that..nothing.

"Are you sure we're going in the right direction." Lynn asked, as they came to the edge of the sector. "There's nothing here." They spread out to search the nearby area in case it was another of Xana's tricks. 

After several mintues of silence from the lab, Emi opened a connect. "Cam?" She asked, wondering where he was. While the others continued searching, Emi accessed the labs camaras. "Lynn, Alexei we have a problem."

"Cam fell asleep at the computer again?" Alexei asked, hoping to lighten the mood. He and Lynn walked over to Emi to see why she appeared worried.

"Your halfway correct." She moved away from the digital screen so the guys could see. "He's passed out."


Kya's POV:

"If the two of you actually trained together, your skills would improve radily." Lilie said the moment, Mara and I skated over to her. Lilie is a former Olymica Champion and our figure skating coach. My old coach from back home, use to be Lilie's coach  before retiring. When I transferred to Kanna Academy two years ago, he recommded Lilie to be his replacement. She had already been Mara's coach for six months before I joined. Which partly explained Mara's dislike towards me. Anything else, well you'll have to ask Mara.

"The compeition is less then two months away. Why do I have to share my training session?" Mara shoved pass to get off the ice first. She sat at the empty bench, taking up the whole space, to unlace her skates. "I've been working with you longer, Lilie. Shouldn't I get private sessions?" As a former Olypic Champion, Lilie's services are in high demand. Currently, she works with two others, besides us.

Lilie helped me off of the ice. "Just because your parents are rich, doesn't give you the right to act like a spoiled brat, Mara." Usually easy-going, Lilie didn't sugar-coat anything when speaking to us. "Your parents can afford to hire someone else, who gives private lessons."

Mara pouted, but said nothing else. I understand we're rivials and that we have to share Lilie's attention, but that still doesn't completely explain Mara's hatred of me. Not that I care enough to ask her about it. She wouldn't answer anyway.

"Mara, you get changed first. I have to speak with Kya." Lilie shoed Mara away. She waited for the other girl to leave before addressing me. "Honestly, I'm worried about how you'll do in the next competition."

Caught off guard, it took several long seconds before I answered. "What do you mean? You've said I've improved. My axel landings have gotten better, I might be able to start working on doubles soon." I've been begging Lilie to teach me how to do a triple axel for several weeks now. When I first began figure skating lessons, the triple axel was the only thing I wanted to learn. I quickly learned how impossblie that move would be without basic knowledge and training. I've broken my arm and wrist trying the move unsupervised. 

"That not what I talking about." Lilie pulled out her cell with a recording of today's practice. The video showed me doing several warm-ups and then working on different routines. "You don't see the problem, do you?"

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