Chapter 5

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Kya walked into biology class, surpised to see Cam sitting alone. "Hey, general." Taking advangate of Alexei's absents, Kya took the seat beside Cam. "Up late, again?"

Rubbing his eyes, Cam yawned. "Since we had to repeat yesturday, thanks to a certain virus, I used the extra time to work Emi's materailzation program." Cam had been spending more time solely working on the materizalion program. In a few weeks, it will have a year since the group met Emiand began their fight against X.A.N.A.. A year of no process on the locator program and only slightly closer to materialzting Emi. "The program's halfway complete. I just need to run some tests before continuing."

"In other words, we're going to the manison during lunch?" Kya smiled, letting Cam known she was going with him to the mansion.

"Hey nerds." Mara strolled over, hands on hips she snared at Kya and Cam. "Where's Alexei. Did you scare him off again?"

Cam held Kya's arm, stopping her from trackling Mara. "Look in the mirror Mara, your clown face could scare the dead back into their grave."

Mara's face went tomtao red, as she stomped off towards her seat. Snirkers and giggles could be heard from the students who failed to muffle their laughs. "Good morning class."  Mr. Z's arrival silenced everyone, as a chours o f 'good mornings' echoed. "Today, we'll be watching this dockmnetary on the kingdoms and domains." Booes and groans filled the room, as students voicalzied their disappointment. "Since no one wants an easy class. Everyone take out a pencil, we'll be having a pop quiz."

"That's not fair to those of us who wanted to watch the video." Mara gave a princess smile.

Mr. Z rolled his eyes. "Ms. Mara, you were one of the loudest. Now, you'll have the entire class period to work on the quiz." He began passing out papers to each table. "You'll want to use the entire time." His warning earned more groans, as students began to work.

"Where's Alexei?" Kya whisphered to Cam, as Mr. Z walked towards them.

Cam shook his head, "When I checked his room this morning, it didn't appear like anyone had slept in his bed last night." Cam wasn't to worried, Alexei randomly spends the night at friends' house or dorms all the time. "He could've spent the night at a friend's. I wouldn't worry to much about it."

Kya knew this as well, but Alexei rarely skipped class without letting one of them know. "I'll feel better once we've contacted him." Kya planned to call Alexei right after class, then lecture him if he didn't have a good enough reason for skipping class.


Cam's POV:

"I'm sure the quiz wasn't that bad." Emi giggled at my overdramaticize. "Biology's one of your easiest subject. Kya has more of a reason to worry." She was right, Kya couldn't afford to have a single bad grade. She had to keep a 3.5 gpa, just to retain her scholarship.

"I've managed to finish fifty percent of the materizlaion program. Once we run some tests, we'll be  able to continue." Nearly a year had passed since I reactiveated supercomputer and recently, I was beginning to get depressed. Almost no progess had been made on the materizlaion program. After we deactiacted the tower yesturday, I was able to download some data from the tower. It wasn't much,  but it allowed me to debug several codes. "Hopefully, we'll be able to materiazle you before the end of the year."

Emi cheers were so loud, several people paused to stare at me. This is why I perfer not to talk to Emi in public. If people see Emi, they'll begin asking questions. Which will lead to information about the supercomputer. Those are questions I'd rather not answer. "That's wonderful newe Cam. When can we run the tests?"

Code Lyoko: Lyoko DefendersDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora