Chapter 20

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Several Days Later:

Cam reluckday stood inside the goal, unprepared for what was to happen. Alexei got the ball from lynn, than headed for the goal. Lynn came up behind to steal the ball. Alexei pived to the left, taking the ball out of Lynn's reach. Determined, Lynn dove for the ball. He would've gotten it, had Alexei not jumped with the ball. His path clear, Alexei ran the final few feet to the goal. Cam slide to the left, as Alexei feinted to the left as well. At the last moment, Alexei changed his kick to target the right side of the net. Noticing Alexei's trickery, Cam dove to the right. The soccer ball flew over Cam's out streched handsm into the net.

"Goal!" Alexei cheered. It was a rare lazy Friday afternoon. Prinpal Hall had cancled afternoon classes for a staff meeting. Most students used the free time to explore the city. Alexei had plans to meet Mara later. For now, the guys relaxed with a 'friendly' soccer game.

"Doesn't count, Cam isn't a real goalie." Lynn gave Cam an alopjtic look. They all knew it was true. Cam hated any sport that invovled a ball. Ironically, he enjoyed ice hockey.

"When Emi comes to earth, I'm gonna teacher her how to play soccer." Alexei retreived the ball, ready for another round. Lynn came up from behind to steal the ball, before it was thrown into play. The two sprinted after the ball, working on passes and drills to get ready for the upcoming game. Evenutally, Cam sat by the goal content to just watch his friends. He would have perfered spending the afternoon playing video games with Kya. Lynn also tried to get her to hang with him after school. To their dismay, she choice to joureny to the ice ring alone. Kya admitted during breakfast her coached mentioned how she'd been unfocused. Praiticing alone, Kya hoped to regain her foucs.

"Alexei!" Mara squeaked. Dressed in a jean skirt and light pink blouse; Mara impantiently tapped her foot. "We're suppose to go shopping before the movie." Mara's hair flowed with each shake of her head.

Alexei gave his trademark smirk. "Sorry, Mar. I lost track of time. Let me shower and change, before we go."

Mara's expression softened. "You owe me ice cream. I'll be waiting in the quad." With a swish of her hair, Mara strucked away.

Lynn shook his head, amazed by Alexei's ability to 'calm' Mara. "Only you and Ally can calm that girl. What's your sercert?"

Alexei thought for a moment. "Simple, my charming good lucks."

Lynn rolled his eyes, before chucking the ball at Alexei. "And and that, game over. I'm off to the mall." Avery would probably in their dorm , since Mara was hanging out with Alexei. Lynn figured it'd be best to spend the rest of the afternoon away from campus. "Unless there's an attack, I'll see you tomorrow." Lynn waved by, before disappearing around the corner.

Cam grabbed his bagm to walk with Alexei to the lockerroom. Today was a rare time when the four of them all spent the day apart. Normally, Cam would use the time to work on his many projects. However, Emi was waiting on Lyoko for Cam to update the locator program. A simple task, made diffecult with a crult file blocking the software from updating. Cam knew one person who'd be able to help. Problem was, getting the help without revealing Lyoko.

"You and Kya are going to have to speak evenutally." Cam leaned against a locker. He needed Alexei to understand how unreasonably childish they were being. "We've been lucky there hasn't been any attacks for a few days. But we can't afford to rely on luck or fighting amoung each other."

"Thanks for pracitcing with us." Alexei gave a slight smile. He knew everything Cam said was true. Right now, he didn't want to think about his issues with Kya. He was always the one alogozing first. While he could've found a better way of explaining himself, Kya was the one who yelled and stormed off. For now, he wasn't going to be the first one to 'give in'.

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