Chapter 7

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Alexei's POV:

"AAHHHH!!!" Mara screamed in my ear, giving me a headache. "What is that!?"

"Those would be suits of armor that are after me, Kya, and Cam. If you'd be so kind as you release," I tried to pry her steel grip off. "you'll be very safe."

Instead of releasing me, Mara wrapped her arms around my waist. "Don't leave me with that!"

"We don't have time to aruge, Alexei." Cam said. "Just bring them with us." He dashed down a corrdoir, with Kya. 

"You and Ally follow me. And try not to scream." Mara appeared satusfied with that, as she grabbed my hand instead of my torse. Dragging her along, I head after Kya and Cam. Ally quickly followed, after throwing several old pieces of art work and pottery at the knights.

"Over here." Kya whishpered. She was hidden inside a small storage room with Cam. Ally and Mara entered first, with me entering last. Once the door was closed, Kya and I began piling anything we could move in front of the door. 

"Why are they chasing us?" Ally asked in a high pitch voice.

"Shh." Kya placed her hand over Ally's mouth. "Be quite or else they'll find us. We don't have anywhere to run in here."

Ally and Mara deicded hiding behind some bookshelves would protect them from the armors outside. At least we don't have to distract them, while Cam speaks to Emi.

"I've found the tower." Emi annouces, once Cam opens a connection. "It's in the forest sector. I can't get any closer, three Krabs are protecting it." At least managed to find the tower, that will take about twenty-five percent of the work away.

"Good, now all we have to do is figure out how to get to away from these knights." Cam typed something on his laptop. "Anyone got any ideas?"

"Well, those two are here." Kya pointed to Ally and Mara. "They might be able to help."

Cam shook his head. "The knights will solely be after us. They won't pay any attention to them."

Kya smiled, "That's the point. Ally and Mara can set up a bigger distraction for later, if the three of us can tempoary distract the knights now."

"Before we can do anything, we need to know the current locations of the knights." Alexei peeked over my shoulder to speak to Emi. "Can you pull up another serciuty feed?"

"Sure." Emi closed the connection for a moment, before reappearing and opening up a second screen on my laptop. "Currently there are four knight, one at each enterance. While two are roming this floor."

"Wait, four were chasing us. Where did the fifth one come from?" Kya asked. "We'll have to clear one of the doors in order to espace.

Flipping through the sericuty feed Emi proved, I tracked the roming knights' loaction. "That won't be nessacry." Closing the sercity feed, I brung up the blueprints of the museum. "There's a delivery enterance on the first floor. If I can hack into the sercity lock, we can leave through there."

"Guys? Hurry!" The connection with Emi suddenly closed.

"Emi?" Alexei pushed me aside in a panic, as he tried to reconnect. "The monsters must've found her. How fast can you unlock that door?"

Shoving Alexei away, I tried accessing the sercity lock. "The door's lock is on a spereate remote system from everything else. I'll have to hook my laptop directly into port into to access it." Checking the blueprints, I found a port hidden inside a supply closet. "This supply closet appears to be the only I can work without the knights finding me."

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