Chapter 19

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Kya's POV:

"Shush! Lynn, your being to loud." Curfew at Kanna Academy is nine pm. All students were to be back in their dorms by then. By ten pm, the noise restriction began. Technally, students could stay up all night if they wanted to. We'd just have to be extra quiet. "Do you want Mr. C to catch us?"

Lynn snuck into my dorm about an hour ago. We've been working non-stop on the lyrics and music for tomorrow. It would've been easier for me to sneak into Lynn's dorm, since everything we need this there. Knowing Avery, he would've complained so loudly, Mr. C would've come to check. "It's not easy making music, while having to remain quiet."

Rolling my eye, I got back to working on the lyrics. The prokes of having my own dorm, I didn't have to worry about annoying anyone else. It's one of the reasons my dorm is our unoffical 'office.'

"This is the new chours I wanted to add." Lynn plugged his flashdrive into my computer. Lynn kept all of his music on this one device. Cam has offered to create an online storage program, but Lynn refused. Something about not wanting to be hacked. "It's rougher than the current verison. But the tranisitions are clearer."

A low beat poured from the speakers. The tempo quickly picked up, followed by the pounding of drums. Next, the low strum of a guitar filled the void. The same beat played for several counts. For the next part, the drums faded out replaced by the melodic sounds of a piano. The sounds flowed together in a way that made no sense. Without the drums, the other instruments lacked something. The guitar's strum was hollow, while the piano lacked a proper tune. What brought the two string instruments together, is a deep howling of a bass. When the drums came back in, everything fit nicely together. The melody formed a joyful song that made the listener want to dance.

"It's bold." The odd combine Lynn created, got my creativety flowing. Within my mind, I saw the lyrics form. By the end of the song, my note pad had no room left to write. "Hopefully these will reflect well with your music."

For the next several hours, Lynn continuously played all his music. Some songs inspired me on the spot. Others required more then one listen. We couldn't go through our normal process of writing lyrics. Lynn had to be back in his dorm before five am. Avery wakes up around that time every morning. Then the guy ends up sleeping through class most days.

"I should head back." At three am, Lynn packed his stuff, leaving only his flashdrive. We both needed some sleepy for the next day. Plus, it was late enough that Lynn would be able to sneak back to his room unseen.

"Do you think you'll attend class?" Standing by the door, I opened it a crack. The hallway appeared empty. The perfect time to escape.

"We got alot done, but I'm still not sure." Lynn patted me on the head. "Don't worry about me. Your the one who's singing tomorrow. Get some rest, you'll need it."

"Why aren't either of you resting?" Mr. C appeared out of nowhere to stand infront of my door. He was dressed in sweatpants and a white t-shirt, his messy hair was the only sign he'd been to bed. "Mr. Lynn, I suggest returning to your dorm now. The three of us will speak to the prinpal before breakfast tomorrow."

Mr. C escorted Lynn back to his dorm. Before leaving he informed both of us to be at the prinpal's office by seven am.


Cam's POV:

"On top of having seven hours of detention, starting afterschool. Lynn's studio time is today?" Kya called me this morning letting me know she might not be at breakfast. It wasn't until lunch that I was able to speak with her. Lynn had chosen to use this time to work, while Alexei was off with Mara...again.

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