Chapter 2: Disagreement Part 2

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Alexei's POV

"He doesn't even bother listening to us!" Needing to vent to someone, I went to the woods behind the school to call Emi. Her avatar quickly popped up with a welcoming smile. "How can you remind calm working with him?"

Emi giggled, "Kya was right." Emi rarely spoke to Kya alone, so this is news. "Cam is just as sturnborn as you. It's what makes you both determined and annoying to once another." Emi's light and playful voice brought a smile to my face. Some how Emi knows just how to calm me down. "Give him some space, he hasn't properly rested in days. Cam's also under alot of pressure."

"How so?" I asked in disbeilf.

"Well," Emi said thoughtfully. "Cam's the only person able to work the supercomputer quickly, easily, and safely. Should something happen in Lyoko, everything falls to him." She didn't stop there, as she contined her list. "There's also finding time to work on several programs, mainly locator and materization. Cam is still a student, having those responabilies added on top of everything else is exshuating."

"Geez, I get it already." Huffing, I consided. "Cam has a lot more responabiles then us. So we should give him some slack."

Emi brusted out laughing, before sassly placing her hands on her hips. "I never said that." She held up a hand, silencing me. "In addition to being Lyoko Defenders and students, Kya has figure skating practice and you do several sports. Cam may have a right to be snappy, but so do you and Kya. However..." Her voice trailed off.

Emi knew so much about us, even through she lived within a virtual world. Sometimes I forgot Emi is just an A.I. created to montior Lyoko. Sure, the only way to speak with her in the real world is via computers and cell phones. But that hasn't stopped us from hanging out. We've watched movies, tv shows, listened to music, and read books together. To me, Emi is like a penpal, who'll get to visit one day.

"However what?" I questioned.

Emi's bright smile came back as she changed the subject. "It's nothing. What movie are we going to watch tonight?"

Emi rarely keeps secerts from me. The change in her mood worries me. We've aall observed Emi and noticed she has complex human emotions and thoughts. Emi's gotten into arugements with Kya and Cam, refusing to speak to either one of them. I wonder if Emi truly is only an A.I.? I'll share this theory with Cam...evenutally. "Why don't you chose?" I suggested. "You don't like the ones I've picked."

"That's because your comdey picks aren't funny." Emi smirked.

"Alexei?" A voice called, startling me. "Shouldn't you be in class?" Of all the people to find me it had to be Tiya. My mom, the upper level history teacher of Kanna Academy, gave me a disappointing look. "This is why your failing two clases."

"Hello mom." Closing my laptop, I turned to face her. "I was studying." Partly true, it's just not school related. "Don't you have a class to teach?" On the outside, we appear to have a normal parent-child relationship. Since my parents' divcore last year, things haven't been the best. Dad now works overseas, since he remarried. I haven't seen him since he moved out and he barely contacts me. Mom's been aborsbed in her work, deciding to give me space. While we havne't gotten along since their divcore, we don't hate each other or aruge. (Having Cam around certinaly helps.)

"Classes began twenty minutes ago." She stated. "I have a free period. Also, I'll be home late tonight." She said before leaving.

Honsently, I'd planned on skipping afternoon classes. But that would draw to much attention since Cam will most likely skip because of our 'disagreement'. The last thing we need is adults questioning us everytime we disappear.

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