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"Why are you upset, now?" Cody huffed out looking at Gianna who was refusing to acknowledge his presence. Gianna turned with eyebrows risen, an amused look was readable on her features as she glared at her boyfriend.

Rolling her eyes she let out a scoff as she shook her head and pushed herself further away, "I'm sorry my mood isn't up to your standards." She muttered earning a roll of eyes from Cody who pushed himself up from the bed. His strong body overpowering hers.

"Is this the only reason you came down here?" He asked and Gianna could feel her eyes widen hearing him say those words, "Is this all we're doing now? Fighting?"

Gianna threw her hands in the air in disbelief as she stared at her boyfriend, in a disapproving manner. There was a silent bomb ticking in the room, that was waiting to go off, "Is my presence such a bother to you?" She questioned, challenging him. Pushing his buttons like she knew she could, "I'm sorry you can't bring Sabrina with you this week. I kinda ruined the plans didn't I?"

Cody rubbed his face in annoyance turning his back to her as he tried to recollect himself, "Is this all we are ever going to talk about now?" He asked and Gianna only shrugged, "Since you calling me a cheater every chance you get?" She hissed back.

Cody sat the edge of the bed looking at Gianna. Studying the features he had so rapidly fallen in love with. Anyone would, he would think to himself when he first laid eyes on her, "I'm done." He muttered.

"Yeah, I am too." Retorting, she felt her heartache reminding her that things were shaky between them, "I'm done."

Cody headed out a sigh, thinking of the day he held her against his body. Things seemed to be so much more easier for them. There was trust, there was communication and there was love.

"I'm done having you always think the worse of me." She whispered, "I'm done with you always having in the back of your head that I cheated on you." She finished and Cody looked up at her with his dopey eyes Gianna loved. She loved the way he always looked like he was running on low sleep.

"What are you saying?" He asked.

"I need a break." She whimpered and it grew silent between them, and if you listened closely you could've heard the bomb go off. Cody shot his head up, watching her wipe the tears that had managed to escape her brown eyes.


Gianna breathed out a shaky breath and nodded, "You don't trust me anymore." She whispered, "and I don't think I can be with someone that doesn't have faith in me."

Cody sprung up, his frame towering over hers as he tried to reach for her, but she seemed miles away from him, "I do trust you." He reasoned, "Its a rocky road, we just need to get pass it." He tried, but Gianna had little faith that they would.

"No." She shook her head, "We haven't seen each other that same way since that stupid Sabrina fight." She mumbled, "We never talked about it, and now we're cracked."

"Then fix us!" He insisted, "Let me fix us."

"I need a breather. I want to see for myself that I'm not being stubborn and that if I leave-"

"-You'll never come back."

Gianna shook her head, "That you actually love me."

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