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"I did not wait ten days so you could be on the phone." Gianna muttered, finally removing herself from the position she was in bed next to him. Her hands pulling down her pijama shorts as she went to the bathroom.

Cody with eyebrows risen, his eyes following her silhouette to the bathroom bathroom before returning his attention to his phone, her thumbs busily moving across the screen. A small noise came from Gianna's side of the bed, his attention focused now on her phone as he peered to see a new notification appear on her lock screen. One that was decorated with a picture of them together after game one of the World Series, one where Cody placed his hands near her bottom and Gianna looked up at him with her eyes twinkling and Cody doing the same with as he looked down at her.

"Who's Marco?" He asked, as Gianna returned, his phone had been replaced by hers and Gianna looked at him with a confused expression, "I would try to conclude but it's all in Spanish." He added and as he finished his own phone went off and Gianna looked at his reaction as she was able to read the new notification.

A look of shock was noticeable as she went to take his phone in her hands, "Sabrina?" She asked her eyebrows now risen and her arms crossed against her chest waiting for him to answer; challenging him, "Like your ex girlfriend?"

Cody shook his head and tried to take his phone away from her hands but she rushed to the other side of his bedroom, "Give me that." He tried, but Gianna was already busy reading the text messages that seemed to be going on forever.

"I had such a great time! We should definitely do this again. I did too!." She mocked as she continuously read the messages and then a picture was sent and Gianna looked at him, her eyes wide as she zoomed in, "Cute picture." She muttered leaving the room and throwing his away.

Cody groaned, running a hand through his head as he rushed to the living room where Gianna fetched her VANS from the entrance, "Babe," He uttered and Gianna furiously turned around to face him- the look on her soft expressions frighten him, "Let me explain."

"Why the hell is your ex girlfriend sending you a  text about how good of a time she had?" She questioned, and her face expression itself made his head spin. Gianna was truly angry- she wasn't even sad, she was angry. She wanted answers from Cody who only seemed to be making up blurbs for words, "Why the hell is she sending you pictures of you two together and too close for my own damn liking." She belted, and truth to be told it was the first time in the almost six months of dating that he had heard so many curse words fly from her mouth at once.

"She was in town and we had dinner." He tried to reason, if the situation would have been different. He would be able to stand back and take in Gianna's angry figure. Her lips formed into an angry line, her eyebrow furrowed, but it was different. The heighrbdifference might have been big, but he knew that there was no stopping her from reaching his neck if she had too, "That's all." He held in his hands in surrender, but Gianna didn't move.

With a roll of her eyes and a scoff leaving her lips she answered, "My ass." And Cody sighed loudly which made Gianna turn to glare at him, "You mean like you went out a couple times, while your girlfriend, who by the by is at the verge of dumping you is in Spain working." She added and Cody laughed mockingly his eyes rolling.

"Then who is Marco?" He questioned, turning the spotlight on her as Gianna rolled her eyes, "Why is he texting you?"

"Don't turn this on me." She pointed, "you know well who he is." She hissed angrily

Cody shook his head. They were both stubborn and they could go on and on until one of them grew tired and walked away, "It's the same fucking thing!" He expressed throwing his hands in the air, "I don't know what you're doing in Spain." He added

"Wow." She muttered, "This is great!" She ended sarcastically her hands clapping, "Fucking amazing."

"I mean it's not like she's your ex or anything."

"It's not like you're linked to every soccer player." He challenged and he saw Gianna's face drop, "Must be a reason why you are."

"That's what you think of me?" She asked, all of a sudden both of their anger was replaced by a sudden clench of both of their hurts and she shook her head as she went to his bedroom, "Well, it's good to know that you think I'm a hoe." She finished off and Cody wished he could have just shoved his foot in his mouth instead, but with his heart clenching he followed Gianna who grabbed her stuff.

"Gi," he whispered and Gianna turned to look at him, "I didn't mean that."

"You clearly did." She hissed, "Go have fun with Sabrina, let her enter and leave your life whenever she pleases." She belted as she tried to leave the room with her bag in her hands, but Cody's much larger body blocked the exit way and Gianna who stood exactly fourteen inches shorter than him looked up to him, "Move."


"Get out the way."


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