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My grandma knitted some sweaters for Samp
How you feeling today?

Baby boy gonna rock some gnarly sweaters!! My great grandma knitted a blanket for him you should've seen the look of her face when she saw how fat I was
She was all like you're gonna give birth to a 13lb baby!
So much better! Haven't had a contraction in an hour! Missing your ugly face tho 😭

While at her mother's house in the midst of the chaos that the holiday season brought she felt another contraction coming- strong enough to knock the wind out of her and make her sit down while her older brother watched her with worry in his eyes, "You good?" Cruz asked as Gianna smiled forcibly as he rubbed her stomach, "Sure?" He asked. Being around plenty of pregnant women in his life, the brother sat next to his sister keeping time of every time she had a contraction. Not allowing her to move. The first hour they were far apart that he knew it was those Braxton-Hicks. The next following hours they started getting closer together that he went to fetch his mother who fussed at how small Adriana's four month bump was.

By this time, all nine Gallegos children, grandchildren and their mother and grandmother were gathered around Gianna who breathed in and out slowly, "You gotta have a wild delivery to top this." Jordan joked as his sister shot him a glare. From the phone, Cody instructed Yovanka to keep timing the contractions, "They're fifteen minutes apart, now." She uttered, "But she said that they're getting stronger and longer."

From the agony she was feeling, Gianna was able to yell over the phone instructing Cody to hang up and enjoy his family, "I'll call you after I have popped your kid out or something." She joked.

Having none of that, Elisa, the mother decided to take her daughter to the hospital. Gianna spent the night there the eve before Christmas Eve in the hospital where her contractions where under control and was sent home the following morning where she spent Christmas Eve queasy on the couch while her family feasted and fussed over the three arrivals 2019 would bring- on her part the arrival of Sampson, while Daniella would be welcoming a baby girl who they would name Isla, while Adriana would welcome another sweet boy in April.

Christmas night after the kids had settled into bed and she laid in the cinema room with her siblings, that same rush of nausea and the feeling of being sick to her stomach made her rush to the bathroom where she puked once more. They stayed for an hour, then two timing her contractions to the point where they were two minutes apart. Not being as strong as they were the previous days, she saw herself in that ugly hospital gown where she was given more steroids to control them and to speed up the growth of Sampson's lungs who only weighted 3lbs. This time she spent two days in the hospital.

Going home, she went to strict bed rest all the while contractions still being very much present

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